SANDRINE HARRISMovement Educator (Somatics), Dancer, Feldenkrais Practitioner, Somatic Experiencing (trainee), Mindfulness Meditation FacilitatorSandrine is the founder of KINESOMA℠, an experiential learning approach blending dance-movement, Feldenkrais and Mindful Practice (founded in 2008). She is also a practitioner-in-training of Somatic Experiencing (healing trauma), and a somatic educator. Sandrine is trained in evidence-based mindfulness, and shares accessible tools for meditating with real life challenges and joys. Sandrine has a private practice in CT, MA and online. She offers private sessions in Feldenkrais, Somatic Experiencing (as a trainee), and Meditation. She also leads weekly classes (CT + MA) in somatics, and monthly workshops and retreats (locally and internationally).For More Information on Sandrine & her approach, please visit: