* This file is part of Contao.
* (c) Leo Feyer
* @license LGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Contao\ManagerBundle\HttpKernel;
use AppBundle\AppBundle;
use Contao\ManagerBundle\Api\ManagerConfig;
use Contao\ManagerBundle\ContaoManager\Plugin;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\Bundle\BundleLoader;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\Bundle\Config\ConfigResolverFactory;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\Bundle\Parser\DelegatingParser;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\Bundle\Parser\IniParser;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\Bundle\Parser\JsonParser;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\Config\ConfigPluginInterface;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\Config\ContainerBuilder as PluginContainerBuilder;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\HttpKernel\HttpCacheSubscriberPluginInterface;
use Contao\ManagerPlugin\PluginLoader;
use FOS\HttpCache\SymfonyCache\HttpCacheProvider;
use ProxyManager\Configuration;
use Symfony\Bridge\ProxyManager\LazyProxy\Instantiator\RuntimeInstantiator;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv;
use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Debug;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel;
use Webmozart\PathUtil\Path;
class ContaoKernel extends Kernel implements HttpCacheProvider
* @var string
protected static $projectDir;
* @var PluginLoader
private $pluginLoader;
* @var BundleLoader
private $bundleLoader;
* @var JwtManager
private $jwtManager;
* @var ManagerConfig
private $managerConfig;
* @var ContaoCache
private $httpCache;
public function shutdown(): void
// Reset bundle loader to re-calculate bundle order after cache:clear
if ($this->booted) {
$this->bundleLoader = null;
public function registerBundles(): array
$bundles = [];
return $bundles;
public function getProjectDir(): string
if (null === self::$projectDir) {
throw new \LogicException('ContaoKernel::setProjectDir() must be called to initialize the Contao kernel');
return self::$projectDir;
* @deprecated since Symfony 4.2, use getProjectDir() instead
public function getRootDir(): string
return Path::join($this->getProjectDir(), 'app');
public function getCacheDir(): string
return Path::join($this->getProjectDir(), 'var/cache', $this->getEnvironment());
public function getLogDir(): string
return Path::join($this->getProjectDir(), 'var/logs');
public function getPluginLoader(): PluginLoader
if (null === $this->pluginLoader) {
$this->pluginLoader = new PluginLoader();
$config = $this->getManagerConfig()->all();
if (
&& \is_array($config['contao_manager']['disabled_packages'])
) {
return $this->pluginLoader;
public function setPluginLoader(PluginLoader $pluginLoader): void
$this->pluginLoader = $pluginLoader;
public function getBundleLoader(): BundleLoader
if (null === $this->bundleLoader) {
$parser = new DelegatingParser();
$parser->addParser(new JsonParser());
$parser->addParser(new IniParser(Path::join($this->getProjectDir(), 'system/modules')));
$this->bundleLoader = new BundleLoader($this->getPluginLoader(), new ConfigResolverFactory(), $parser);
return $this->bundleLoader;
public function setBundleLoader(BundleLoader $bundleLoader): void
$this->bundleLoader = $bundleLoader;
public function getJwtManager(): ?JwtManager
return $this->jwtManager;
public function setJwtManager(JwtManager $jwtManager): void
$this->jwtManager = $jwtManager;
public function getManagerConfig(): ManagerConfig
if (null === $this->managerConfig) {
$this->managerConfig = new ManagerConfig($this->getProjectDir());
return $this->managerConfig;
public function setManagerConfig(ManagerConfig $managerConfig): void
$this->managerConfig = $managerConfig;
public function registerContainerConfiguration(LoaderInterface $loader): void
if ($parametersFile = $this->getConfigFile('parameters')) {
$config = $this->getManagerConfig()->all();
$plugins = $this->getPluginLoader()->getInstancesOf(PluginLoader::CONFIG_PLUGINS);
/** @var array<ConfigPluginInterface> $plugins */
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
$plugin->registerContainerConfiguration($loader, $config);
// Reload the parameters.yml file
if ($parametersFile) {
if ($configFile = $this->getConfigFile('config_'.$this->getEnvironment())) {
} elseif ($configFile = $this->getConfigFile('config')) {
// Automatically load the services.yml file if it exists
if ($servicesFile = $this->getConfigFile('services')) {
if (is_dir(Path::join($this->getProjectDir(), 'src'))) {
public function getHttpCache(): ContaoCache
if (null !== $this->httpCache) {
return $this->httpCache;
$this->httpCache = new ContaoCache($this, Path::join($this->getProjectDir(), 'var/cache/prod/http_cache'));
/** @var array<HttpCacheSubscriberPluginInterface> $plugins */
$plugins = $this->getPluginLoader()->getInstancesOf(HttpCacheSubscriberPluginInterface::class);
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
foreach ($plugin->getHttpCacheSubscribers() as $subscriber) {
return $this->httpCache;
* Sets the project directory (the Contao kernel does not know its location).
public static function setProjectDir(string $projectDir): void
self::$projectDir = realpath($projectDir) ?: $projectDir;
* @return ContaoKernel|ContaoCache
public static function fromRequest(string $projectDir, Request $request): HttpKernelInterface
self::loadEnv($projectDir, 'jwt');
if ($trustedHosts = $_SERVER['TRUSTED_HOSTS'] ?? null) {
Request::setTrustedHosts(explode(',', $trustedHosts));
if ($trustedProxies = $_SERVER['TRUSTED_PROXIES'] ?? null) {
// If we have a limited list of trusted hosts, we can safely use the X-Forwarded-Host header
if ($trustedHosts) {
$trustedHeaderSet |= Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_HOST;
Request::setTrustedProxies(explode(',', $trustedProxies), $trustedHeaderSet);
$jwtManager = null;
$env = null;
$parseJwt = 'jwt' === $_SERVER['APP_ENV'];
if ($parseJwt) {
$env = 'prod';
$jwtManager = new JwtManager($projectDir);
$jwt = $jwtManager->parseRequest($request);
if (\is_array($jwt) && ($jwt['debug'] ?? false)) {
$env = 'dev';
$_SERVER['APP_ENV'] = $_ENV['APP_ENV'] = $env;
$kernel = static::create($projectDir, $env);
if ($parseJwt) {
// Enable the Symfony reverse proxy if not disabled explicitly
if (!($_SERVER['DISABLE_HTTP_CACHE'] ?? null) && !$kernel->isDebug()) {
return $kernel->getHttpCache();
return $kernel;
public static function fromInput(string $projectDir, InputInterface $input): self
$env = $input->getParameterOption(['--env', '-e'], null);
self::loadEnv($projectDir, $env ?: 'prod');
return static::create($projectDir, $env);
protected function getContainerBuilder(): PluginContainerBuilder
$container = new PluginContainerBuilder($this->getPluginLoader(), []);
if (class_exists(Configuration::class) && class_exists(RuntimeInstantiator::class)) {
$container->setProxyInstantiator(new RuntimeInstantiator());
return $container;
protected function initializeContainer(): void
if (null === ($container = $this->getContainer())) {
// Set the plugin loader again, so it is available at runtime (synthetic service)
$container->set('contao_manager.plugin_loader', $this->getPluginLoader());
// Set the JWT manager only if the debug mode has not been configured in env variables
if ($jwtManager = $this->getJwtManager()) {
$container->set('contao_manager.jwt_manager', $jwtManager);
private function getConfigFile(string $file): ?string
$projectDir = $this->getProjectDir();
foreach (['.yaml', '.yml'] as $ext) {
if (file_exists($path = Path::join($projectDir, 'config', $file.$ext))) {
return $path;
// Fallback to the legacy config file (see #566)
foreach (['.yaml', '.yml'] as $ext) {
$path = Path::join($projectDir, 'app/config', $file.$ext);
if (file_exists($path)) {
trigger_deprecation('contao/manager-bundle', '4.9', sprintf('Storing the "%s" file in the "app/config" folder has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Move it to the "config" folder instead.', $file.$ext));
return $path;
return null;
private function addBundlesFromPlugins(array &$bundles): void
$configs = $this->getBundleLoader()->getBundleConfigs(
'dev' === $this->getEnvironment(),
$this->debug ? null : Path::join($this->getCacheDir(), 'bundles.map')
foreach ($configs as $config) {
$bundles[$config->getName()] = $config->getBundleInstance($this);
// Autoload AppBundle for convenience
$appBundle = AppBundle::class;
if (!isset($bundles[$appBundle]) && class_exists($appBundle)) {
$bundles[$appBundle] = new $appBundle();
private static function create(string $projectDir, string $env = null): self
if (null === $env) {
$env = $_SERVER['APP_ENV'] ?? 'prod';
if ('dev' !== $env && 'prod' !== $env) {
throw new \RuntimeException('The Contao Managed Edition only supports the "dev" and "prod" environments');
Plugin::autoloadModules(Path::join($projectDir, 'system/modules'));
if ('dev' === $env) {
return new static($env, 'dev' === $env);
private static function loadEnv(string $projectDir, string $defaultEnv = 'prod'): void
// Load cached env vars if the .env.local.php file exists
// See https://github.com/symfony/recipes/blob/master/symfony/framework-bundle/4.2/config/bootstrap.php
if (\is_array($env = @include Path::join($projectDir, '.env.local.php'))) {
foreach ($env as $k => $v) {
$_ENV[$k] = $_ENV[$k] ?? (isset($_SERVER[$k]) && 0 !== strpos($k, 'HTTP_') ? $_SERVER[$k] : $v);
} elseif (file_exists($filePath = Path::join($projectDir, '.env'))) {
(new Dotenv(false))->loadEnv($filePath, 'APP_ENV', $defaultEnv);
$_SERVER += $_ENV;
$_SERVER['APP_ENV'] = $_ENV['APP_ENV'] = $_SERVER['APP_ENV'] ?? $_ENV['APP_ENV'] ?? null ?: $defaultEnv;