* This file is part of Contao.
* (c) Leo Feyer
* @license LGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Contao\Image;
use Contao\ImagineSvg\Imagine as ImagineSvg;
class PictureGenerator implements PictureGeneratorInterface
* @var ResizerInterface
private $resizer;
* @var ResizeCalculator
private $calculator;
* @var ResizeOptions
private $resizeOptions;
public function __construct(ResizerInterface $resizer, ResizeCalculator $calculator = null)
if (null === $calculator) {
$calculator = new ResizeCalculator();
$this->resizer = $resizer;
$this->calculator = $calculator;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function generate(ImageInterface $image, PictureConfiguration $config, ResizeOptions $options): PictureInterface
$this->resizeOptions = clone $options;
$formats = $this->getFormatsFromConfig(
strtolower(pathinfo($image->getPath(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION))
$sources = [];
foreach ($config->getSizeItems() as $sizeItem) {
foreach ($formats as $index => $format) {
$sources[] = $this->generateSource($image, $sizeItem, $format, $index + 1 === \count($formats));
$source = $this->generateSource($image, $config->getSize(), array_pop($formats), true);
foreach ($formats as $format) {
$sources[] = $this->generateSource($image, $config->getSize(), $format, false);
return new Picture($source, $sources);
* Generates the source.
private function generateSource(ImageInterface $image, PictureConfigurationItem $config, string $format, bool $lastFormat): array
$densities = [1];
$sizesAttribute = $config->getSizes();
$width1x = $this->calculator
new ImageDimensions($image->getDimensions()->getSize(), true),
if (
&& ($config->getResizeConfig()->getWidth() || $config->getResizeConfig()->getHeight())
) {
if (!$sizesAttribute && false !== strpos($config->getDensities(), 'w')) {
$sizesAttribute = '100vw';
if (!$image->getImagine() instanceof ImagineSvg) {
$densities = $this->parseDensities($config->getDensities(), $width1x);
$attributes = [];
$srcset = [];
$descriptorType = $sizesAttribute ? 'w' : 'x'; // use pixel density descriptors if the sizes attribute is empty
foreach ($densities as $density) {
$srcset[] = $this->generateSrcsetItem($image, $config, $density, $descriptorType, $width1x, $format);
$srcset = $this->removeDuplicateScrsetItems($srcset);
$attributes['srcset'] = $srcset;
$attributes['src'] = $srcset[0][0];
if (!$attributes['src']->getDimensions()->isRelative() && !$attributes['src']->getDimensions()->isUndefined()) {
$attributes['width'] = $attributes['src']->getDimensions()->getSize()->getWidth();
$attributes['height'] = $attributes['src']->getDimensions()->getSize()->getHeight();
if ($sizesAttribute) {
$attributes['sizes'] = $sizesAttribute;
if ($config->getMedia()) {
$attributes['media'] = $config->getMedia();
if (!$lastFormat) {
$attributes['type'] = $this->getMimeFromFormat($format);
return $attributes;
* Parse the densities string and return an array of scaling factors.
* @return array<int,float>
private function parseDensities(string $densities, int $width1x): array
$densitiesArray = explode(',', $densities);
$densitiesArray = array_map(
static function ($density) use ($width1x) {
$type = substr(trim($density), -1);
if ('w' === $type) {
return (int) $density / $width1x;
return (float) $density;
// Strip empty densities
$densitiesArray = array_filter($densitiesArray);
// Add 1x to the beginning of the list
array_unshift($densitiesArray, 1);
// Strip duplicates
return array_values(array_unique($densitiesArray));
* Generates a srcset item.
* @param string $descriptorType x, w or the empty string
* @return array Array containing an ImageInterface and an optional descriptor string
private function generateSrcsetItem(ImageInterface $image, PictureConfigurationItem $config, float $density, string $descriptorType, int $width1x, string $format): array
$resizeConfig = clone $config->getResizeConfig();
$resizeConfig->setWidth((int) round($resizeConfig->getWidth() * $density));
$resizeConfig->setHeight((int) round($resizeConfig->getHeight() * $density));
$options = clone $this->resizeOptions;
$imagineOptions = $options->getImagineOptions();
$imagineOptions['format'] = $format;
$resizedImage = $this->resizer->resize($image, $resizeConfig, $options);
$src = [$resizedImage];
if ('x' === $descriptorType) {
$srcX = $resizedImage->getDimensions()->getSize()->getWidth() / $width1x;
$src[1] = rtrim(rtrim(sprintf('%.3F', $srcX), '0'), '.').'x';
} elseif ('w' === $descriptorType) {
$src[1] = $resizedImage->getDimensions()->getSize()->getWidth().'w';
return $src;
* Removes duplicate items from a srcset array.
* @param array $srcset Array containing an ImageInterface and an optional descriptor string
private function removeDuplicateScrsetItems(array $srcset): array
$srcset = array_values(array_filter(
static function (array $item) use (&$usedPaths) {
/** @var array<ImageInterface> $item */
$key = $item[0]->getPath();
if (isset($usedPaths[$key])) {
return false;
$usedPaths[$key] = true;
return true;
if (1 === \count($srcset) && isset($srcset[0][1]) && 'x' === substr($srcset[0][1], -1)) {
return $srcset;
* @return array<string>
private function getFormatsFromConfig(PictureConfiguration $config, string $sourceFormat): array
$formatsConfig = $config->getFormats();
return array_map(
static function ($format) use ($config, $sourceFormat) {
return $format === $config::FORMAT_DEFAULT ? $sourceFormat : $format;
$formatsConfig[$sourceFormat] ?? $formatsConfig[$config::FORMAT_DEFAULT]
private function getMimeFromFormat(string $format): string
static $mapping = [
'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
'wbmp' => 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp',
'svg' => 'image/svg+xml',
return $mapping[$format] ?? 'image/'.$format;