* This file is part of Contao.
* (c) Leo Feyer
* @license LGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Contao;
use Contao\Database\Result;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types;
use Patchwork\Utf8;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* Generates and validates form fields
* The class functions as abstract parent class for all widget classes and
* provides methods to generate the form field markup and to validate the form
* field input.
* Usage:
* $widget = new TextField();
* $widget->name = 'test';
* $widget->label = 'Test';
* if ($_POST)
* {
* $widget->validate();
* if (!$widget->hasErrors())
* {
* echo $widget->value;
* }
* }
* @property string $id The field ID
* @property string $name the field name
* @property string $label The field label
* @property mixed $value The field value
* @property string $class One or more CSS classes
* @property string $prefix The CSS class prefix
* @property string $template The template name
* @property string $wizard The field wizard markup
* @property string $alt The alternative text
* @property string $style The style attribute
* @property string $accesskey The key to focus the field
* @property integer $tabindex The tabindex of the field
* @property boolean $disabled Adds the disabled attribute
* @property boolean $readonly Adds the readonly attribute
* @property boolean $autofocus Adds the autofocus attribute
* @property boolean $required Adds the required attribute
* @property string $onblur The blur event
* @property string $onchange The change event
* @property string $onclick The click event
* @property string $ondblclick The double click event
* @property string $onfocus The focus event
* @property string $onmousedown The mouse down event
* @property string $onmousemove The mouse move event
* @property string $onmouseout The mouse out event
* @property string $onmouseover The mouse over event
* @property string $onmouseup The mouse up event
* @property string $onkeydown The key down event
* @property string $onkeypress The key press event
* @property string $onkeyup The key up event
* @property string $onselect The select event
* @property boolean $mandatory The field value must not be empty
* @property boolean $nospace Do not allow whitespace characters
* @property boolean $allowHtml Allow HTML tags in the field value
* @property boolean $storeFile Store uploaded files in a given folder
* @property boolean $useHomeDir Store uploaded files in the user's home directory
* @property boolean $trailingSlash Add or remove a trailing slash
* @property boolean $spaceToUnderscore Convert spaces to underscores
* @property boolean $doNotTrim Do not trim the user input
* @property string $forAttribute The "for" attribute
* @property DataContainer $dataContainer The data container object
* @property Result $activeRecord The active record
* @property string $mandatoryField The "mandatory field" label
* @property string $customTpl A custom template name
* @property string $slabel The submit button label
* @property boolean $preserveTags Preserve HTML tags
* @property boolean $decodeEntities Decode HTML entities
* @property boolean $useRawRequestData Use the raw request data from the Symfony request
* @property integer $minlength The minimum length
* @property integer $maxlength The maximum length
* @property integer $minval The minimum value
* @property integer $maxval The maximum value
* @property integer $rgxp The regular expression name
* @property boolean $isHexColor The field value is a hex color
* @property string $strTable The table name
* @property string $strField The field name
* @property string $xlabel
* @property string $customRgxp
* @property string $errorMsg
* @property integer $currentRecord
* @property integer $rowClass
* @property integer $rowClassConfirm
* @property integer $storeValues
* @property boolean $includeBlankOption
* @property string $blankOptionLabel
* @author Leo Feyer <https://github.com/leofeyer>
abstract class Widget extends Controller
use TemplateInheritance;
* Id
* @var integer
protected $strId;
* Name
* @var string
protected $strName;
* Label
* @var string
protected $strLabel;
* Value
* @var mixed
protected $varValue;
* Input callback
* @var callable
protected $inputCallback;
* CSS class
* @var string
protected $strClass;
* CSS class prefix
* @var string
protected $strPrefix;
* Wizard
* @var string
protected $strWizard;
* Errors
* @var array
protected $arrErrors = array();
* Attributes
* @var array
protected $arrAttributes = array();
* Configuration
* @var array
protected $arrConfiguration = array();
* Options
* @var array
protected $arrOptions = array();
* Submit indicator
* @var boolean
protected $blnSubmitInput = false;
* For attribute indicator
* @var boolean
protected $blnForAttribute = false;
* Data container
* @var object
protected $objDca;
* Initialize the object
* @param array $arrAttributes An optional attributes array
public function __construct($arrAttributes=null)
* Set an object property
* @param string $strKey The property name
* @param mixed $varValue The property value
public function __set($strKey, $varValue)
switch ($strKey)
case 'id':
$this->strId = $varValue;
case 'name':
$this->strName = $varValue;
case 'label':
$this->strLabel = $varValue;
case 'value':
$this->varValue = StringUtil::deserialize($varValue);
// Decrypt the value if it is encrypted
if ($this->arrConfiguration['encrypt'] ?? null)
$this->varValue = Encryption::decrypt($this->varValue);
case 'class':
if ($varValue && strpos($this->strClass ?? '', $varValue) === false)
$this->strClass = trim($this->strClass . ' ' . $varValue);
case 'prefix':
$this->strPrefix = $varValue;
case 'template':
$this->strTemplate = $varValue;
case 'wizard':
$this->strWizard = $varValue;
case 'autocomplete':
case 'autocorrect':
case 'autocapitalize':
case 'spellcheck':
if (\is_bool($varValue))
$varValue = $varValue ? 'on' : 'off';
// no break
case 'alt':
case 'style':
case 'accesskey':
case 'onblur':
case 'onchange':
case 'onclick':
case 'ondblclick':
case 'onfocus':
case 'onmousedown':
case 'onmousemove':
case 'onmouseout':
case 'onmouseover':
case 'onmouseup':
case 'onkeydown':
case 'onkeypress':
case 'onkeyup':
case 'onselect':
$this->arrAttributes[$strKey] = $varValue;
case 'tabindex':
if ($varValue > 0)
trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.12', 'Using a tabindex value greater than 0 has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.');
$this->arrAttributes['tabindex'] = $varValue;
case 'disabled':
case 'readonly':
$this->blnSubmitInput = $varValue ? false : true;
// no break
case 'autofocus':
if ($varValue)
$this->arrAttributes[$strKey] = $strKey;
case 'required':
if ($varValue)
$this->strClass = trim($this->strClass . ' mandatory');
// no break
case 'mandatory':
case 'nospace':
case 'allowHtml':
case 'storeFile':
case 'useHomeDir':
case 'storeValues':
case 'trailingSlash':
case 'spaceToUnderscore':
case 'doNotTrim':
case 'useRawRequestData':
$this->arrConfiguration[$strKey] = $varValue ? true : false;
case 'forAttribute':
$this->blnForAttribute = $varValue;
case 'dataContainer':
$this->objDca = $varValue;
case strncmp($strKey, 'ng-', 3) === 0:
case strncmp($strKey, 'data-', 5) === 0:
$this->arrAttributes[$strKey] = $varValue;
$this->arrConfiguration[$strKey] = $varValue;
* Return an object property
* @param string $strKey The property name
* @return string The property value
public function __get($strKey)
switch ($strKey)
case 'id':
return $this->strId;
case 'name':
return $this->strName;
case 'label':
return $this->strLabel;
case 'value':
// Encrypt the value
if (isset($this->arrConfiguration['encrypt']) && $this->arrConfiguration['encrypt'])
return Encryption::encrypt($this->varValue);
if ($this->varValue === '')
return $this->getEmptyStringOrNull();
return $this->varValue;
case 'class':
return $this->strClass;
case 'prefix':
return $this->strPrefix;
case 'template':
return $this->strTemplate;
case 'wizard':
return $this->strWizard;
case 'required':
return $this->arrConfiguration[$strKey];
case 'forAttribute':
return $this->blnForAttribute;
case 'dataContainer':
return $this->objDca;
case 'activeRecord':
return $this->objDca->activeRecord;
if (isset($this->arrAttributes[$strKey]))
return $this->arrAttributes[$strKey];
if (isset($this->arrConfiguration[$strKey]))
return $this->arrConfiguration[$strKey];
return parent::__get($strKey);
* Check whether an object property exists
* @param string $strKey The property name
* @return boolean True if the property exists
public function __isset($strKey)
switch ($strKey)
case 'id':
return isset($this->strId);
case 'name':
return isset($this->strName);
case 'label':
return isset($this->strLabel);
case 'value':
return isset($this->varValue);
case 'class':
return isset($this->strClass);
case 'template':
return isset($this->strTemplate);
case 'wizard':
return isset($this->strWizard);
case 'required':
return isset($this->arrConfiguration[$strKey]);
case 'forAttribute':
return isset($this->blnForAttribute);
case 'dataContainer':
return isset($this->objDca);
case 'activeRecord':
return isset($this->objDca->activeRecord);
return isset($this->arrAttributes[$strKey]) || isset($this->arrConfiguration[$strKey]);
* Add an attribute
* @param string $strName The attribute name
* @param mixed $varValue The attribute value
public function addAttribute($strName, $varValue)
$this->arrAttributes[$strName] = $varValue;
* Add an error message
* @param string $strError The error message
public function addError($strError)
$this->class = 'error';
$this->arrErrors[] = $strError;
* Return true if the widget has errors
* @return boolean True if there are errors
public function hasErrors()
return !empty($this->arrErrors);
* Return the errors array
* @return array An array of error messages
public function getErrors()
return $this->arrErrors;
* Return a particular error as string
* @param integer $intIndex The message index
* @return string The corresponding error message
public function getErrorAsString($intIndex=0)
return $this->arrErrors[$intIndex];
* Return all errors as string separated by a given separator
* @param string $strSeparator An optional separator (defaults to "<br>")
* @return string The error messages string
public function getErrorsAsString($strSeparator=null)
if ($strSeparator === null)
$strSeparator = '<br' . $this->strTagEnding . "\n";
return $this->hasErrors() ? implode($strSeparator, $this->arrErrors) : '';
* Return a particular error as HTML string
* @param integer $intIndex The message index
* @return string The HTML markup of the corresponding error message
public function getErrorAsHTML($intIndex=0)
return $this->hasErrors() ? sprintf('<p class="%s">%s</p>', ((TL_MODE == 'BE') ? 'tl_error tl_tip' : 'error'), $this->arrErrors[$intIndex]) : '';
* Return true if the widgets submits user input
* @return boolean True if the widget submits user input
public function submitInput()
return $this->blnSubmitInput;
* Parse the template file and return it as string
* @param array $arrAttributes An optional attributes array
* @return string The template markup
public function parse($arrAttributes=null)
if (!$this->strTemplate)
return '';
$this->mandatoryField = $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['mandatory'];
if ($this->customTpl)
$request = System::getContainer()->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest();
// Use the custom template unless it is a back end request
if (!$request || !System::getContainer()->get('contao.routing.scope_matcher')->isBackendRequest($request))
$this->strTemplate = $this->customTpl;
$strBuffer = $this->inherit();
// HOOK: add custom parse filters (see #5553)
if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['parseWidget']) && \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['parseWidget']))
foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['parseWidget'] as $callback)
$strBuffer = $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($strBuffer, $this);
return $strBuffer;
* Generate the label and return it as string
* @return string The label markup
public function generateLabel()
if (!$this->strLabel)
return '';
return sprintf(
($this->blnForAttribute ? ' for="ctrl_' . $this->strId . '"' : ''),
($this->strClass ? ' class="' . $this->strClass . '"' : ''),
($this->mandatory ? '<span class="invisible">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['mandatory'] . ' </span>' : ''),
($this->mandatory ? '<span class="mandatory">*</span>' : '')
* Generate the widget and return it as string
* @return string The widget markup
abstract public function generate();
* Generate the widget with error message and return it as string
* @param boolean $blnSwitchOrder If true, the error message will be shown below the field
* @return string The form field markup
public function generateWithError($blnSwitchOrder=false)
$strWidget = $this->generate();
$strError = $this->getErrorAsHTML();
return $blnSwitchOrder ? $strWidget . $strError : $strError . $strWidget;
* Return all attributes as string
* @param array $arrStrip An optional array with attributes to strip
* @return string The attributes string
public function getAttributes($arrStrip=array())
$strAttributes = '';
foreach (array_keys($this->arrAttributes) as $strKey)
if (!\in_array($strKey, $arrStrip))
$strAttributes .= $this->getAttribute($strKey);
return $strAttributes;
* Return a single attribute
* @param string $strKey The attribute name
* @return string The attribute markup
public function getAttribute($strKey)
if (!isset($this->arrAttributes[$strKey]))
return '';
$varValue = $this->arrAttributes[$strKey];
// Prevent the autofocus attribute from being added multiple times (see #8281)
if ($strKey == 'autofocus')
if ($strKey == 'disabled' || $strKey == 'readonly' || $strKey == 'required' || $strKey == 'autofocus' || $strKey == 'multiple')
return ' ' . $strKey;
if ($varValue)
return ' ' . $strKey . '="' . StringUtil::specialchars($varValue) . '"';
return '';
* Set a callback to fetch the widget input instead of using getPost()
* @param callable|null $callback The callback
* @return $this The widget object
public function setInputCallback(callable $callback=null)
$this->inputCallback = $callback;
return $this;
* Validate the user input and set the value
public function validate()
$varValue = $this->validator($this->getPost($this->strName));
if ($this->hasErrors())
$this->class = 'error';
$this->varValue = $varValue;
* Find and return a $_POST variable
* @param string $strKey The variable name
* @return mixed The variable value
protected function getPost($strKey)
if (\is_callable($this->inputCallback))
return \call_user_func($this->inputCallback);
if ($this->useRawRequestData === true)
/** @var Request $request */
$request = System::getContainer()->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest();
return $request->request->get($strKey);
$strMethod = $this->allowHtml ? 'postHtml' : 'post';
if ($this->preserveTags)
$strMethod = 'postRaw';
// Support arrays (thanks to Andreas Schempp)
$arrParts = explode('[', str_replace(']', '', (string) $strKey));
$varValue = Input::$strMethod(array_shift($arrParts), $this->decodeEntities);
foreach ($arrParts as $part)
if (!\is_array($varValue))
$varValue = $varValue[$part] ?? null;
return $varValue;
* Recursively validate an input variable
* @param mixed $varInput The user input
* @return mixed The original or modified user input
protected function validator($varInput)
if (\is_array($varInput))
foreach ($varInput as $k=>$v)
$varInput[$k] = $this->validator($v);
return $varInput;
if (!$this->doNotTrim)
$varInput = trim($varInput);
if ((string) $varInput === '')
if (!$this->mandatory)
return '';
if (!$this->strLabel)
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['mandatory'], $this->strLabel));
if ($this->minlength && $varInput && Utf8::strlen($varInput) < $this->minlength)
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['minlength'], $this->strLabel, $this->minlength));
if ($this->maxlength && $varInput && Utf8::strlen($varInput) > $this->maxlength)
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['maxlength'], $this->strLabel, $this->maxlength));
if ($this->minval && is_numeric($varInput) && $varInput < $this->minval)
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['minval'], $this->strLabel, $this->minval));
if ($this->maxval && is_numeric($varInput) && $varInput > $this->maxval)
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['maxval'], $this->strLabel, $this->maxval));
if ($this->rgxp)
switch ($this->rgxp)
case strncmp($this->rgxp, 'digit_', 6) === 0:
// Special validation rule for style sheets
$textual = explode('_', $this->rgxp);
if (\in_array($varInput, $textual) || strncmp($varInput, '$', 1) === 0)
// no break
case 'digit':
// Support decimal commas and convert them automatically (see #3488)
if (substr_count($varInput, ',') == 1 && strpos($varInput, '.') === false)
$varInput = str_replace(',', '.', $varInput);
if (!Validator::isNumeric($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['digit'], $this->strLabel));
case 'natural':
if (!Validator::isNatural($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['natural'], $this->strLabel));
case 'alpha':
if (!Validator::isAlphabetic($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['alpha'], $this->strLabel));
case 'alnum':
if (!Validator::isAlphanumeric($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['alnum'], $this->strLabel));
case 'extnd':
if (!Validator::isExtendedAlphanumeric(html_entity_decode($varInput)))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['extnd'], $this->strLabel));
case 'date':
if (!Validator::isDate($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['date'], Date::getInputFormat(Date::getNumericDateFormat())));
// Validate the date (see #5086)
new Date($varInput, Date::getNumericDateFormat());
catch (\OutOfBoundsException $e)
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['invalidDate'], $varInput));
case 'time':
if (!Validator::isTime($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['time'], Date::getInputFormat(Date::getNumericTimeFormat())));
case 'datim':
if (!Validator::isDatim($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['dateTime'], Date::getInputFormat(Date::getNumericDatimFormat())));
// Validate the date (see #5086)
new Date($varInput, Date::getNumericDatimFormat());
catch (\OutOfBoundsException $e)
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['invalidDate'], $varInput));
case 'friendly':
list ($strName, $varInput) = StringUtil::splitFriendlyEmail($varInput);
// no break
case 'email':
if (!Validator::isEmail($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['email'], $this->strLabel));
if ($this->rgxp == 'friendly' && !empty($strName))
$varInput = $strName . ' [' . $varInput . ']';
case 'emails':
// Check whether the current value is list of valid e-mail addresses
$arrEmails = StringUtil::trimsplit(',', $varInput);
foreach ($arrEmails as $strEmail)
$strEmail = Idna::encodeEmail($strEmail);
if (!Validator::isEmail($strEmail))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['emails'], $this->strLabel));
case 'url':
$varInput = StringUtil::specialcharsUrl($varInput);
if ($this->decodeEntities)
$varInput = StringUtil::decodeEntities($varInput);
if (!Validator::isUrl($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['url'], $this->strLabel));
case 'alias':
if (!Validator::isAlias($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['alias'], $this->strLabel));
case 'folderalias':
if (!Validator::isFolderAlias($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['folderalias'], $this->strLabel));
case 'phone':
if (!Validator::isPhone(html_entity_decode($varInput)))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['phone'], $this->strLabel));
case 'prcnt':
if (!Validator::isPercent($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['prcnt'], $this->strLabel));
case 'locale':
if (!Validator::isLocale($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['locale'], $this->strLabel));
case 'language':
if (!Validator::isLanguage($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['language'], $this->strLabel));
case 'google+':
if (!Validator::isGooglePlusId($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['invalidGoogleId'], $this->strLabel));
case 'fieldname':
if (!Validator::isFieldName($varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['invalidFieldName'], $this->strLabel));
// HOOK: pass unknown tags to callback functions
if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['addCustomRegexp']) && \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['addCustomRegexp']))
foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['addCustomRegexp'] as $callback)
$break = $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($this->rgxp, $varInput, $this);
// Stop the loop if a callback returned true
if ($break === true)
if ($this->isHexColor && $varInput && strncmp($varInput, '$', 1) !== 0)
$varInput = preg_replace('/[^a-f0-9]+/i', '', $varInput);
if ($this->nospace && preg_match('/[\t ]+/', $varInput))
$this->addError(sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['ERR']['noSpace'], $this->strLabel));
if ($this->spaceToUnderscore)
$varInput = preg_replace('/\s+/', '_', trim($varInput));
if (\is_bool($this->trailingSlash) && $varInput)
$varInput = preg_replace('/\/+$/', '', $varInput) . ($this->trailingSlash ? '/' : '');
return $varInput;
* Take an associative array and add it to the object's attributes
* @param array $arrAttributes An array of attributes
public function addAttributes($arrAttributes)
if (!\is_array($arrAttributes))
foreach ($arrAttributes as $k=>$v)
$this->$k = $v;
* Check whether an option is checked
* @param array $arrOption The options array
* @return string The "checked" attribute or an empty string
protected function isChecked($arrOption)
if (empty($this->varValue) && empty($_POST) && ($arrOption['default'] ?? null))
return static::optionChecked(1, 1);
return static::optionChecked($arrOption['value'] ?? null, $this->varValue);
* Check whether an option is selected
* @param array $arrOption The options array
* @return string The "selected" attribute or an empty string
protected function isSelected($arrOption)
if (empty($this->varValue) && empty($_POST) && ($arrOption['default'] ?? null))
return static::optionSelected(1, 1);
return static::optionSelected($arrOption['value'] ?? null, $this->varValue);
* Return a "selected" attribute if the option is selected
* @param string $strOption The option to check
* @param mixed $varValues One or more values to check against
* @return string The attribute or an empty string
public static function optionSelected($strOption, $varValues)
if ($strOption === '')
return '';
return (\is_array($varValues) ? \in_array($strOption, $varValues) : $strOption == $varValues) ? ' selected' : '';
* Return a "checked" attribute if the option is checked
* @param string $strOption The option to check
* @param mixed $varValues One or more values to check against
* @return string The attribute or an empty string
public static function optionChecked($strOption, $varValues)
if ($strOption === '')
return '';
return (\is_array($varValues) ? \in_array($strOption, $varValues) : $strOption == $varValues) ? ' checked' : '';
* Check whether an input is one of the given options
* @param mixed $varInput The input string or array
* @return boolean True if the selected option exists
protected function isValidOption($varInput)
if (!\is_array($varInput))
$varInput = array($varInput);
// Check each option
foreach ($varInput as $strInput)
$blnFound = false;
foreach ($this->arrOptions as $v)
// Single dimensional array
if (\array_key_exists('value', $v))
if ($strInput == $v['value'])
$blnFound = true;
// Multi-dimensional array
foreach ($v as $vv)
if ($strInput == $vv['value'])
$blnFound = true;
if (!$blnFound)
return false;
return true;
* Extract the Widget attributes from a Data Container array
* @param array $arrData The field configuration array
* @param string $strName The field name in the form
* @param mixed $varValue The field value
* @param string $strField The field name in the database
* @param string $strTable The table name in the database
* @param DataContainer|Module|null $objDca An optional DataContainer or Module object
* @return array An attributes array that can be passed to a widget
public static function getAttributesFromDca($arrData, $strName, $varValue=null, $strField='', $strTable='', $objDca=null)
$arrAttributes = $arrData['eval'] ?? array();
if (method_exists(System::getContainer(), 'getParameterBag'))
$objParameterBag = System::getContainer()->getParameterBag();
foreach ($arrAttributes as $strAttrKey => $varAttrValue)
if (!\is_string($varAttrValue) || !preg_match('/%[a-z][a-z0-9_]*\.[a-z0-9_.]+%/i', $varAttrValue, $arrMatches))
$varAttrValue = $objParameterBag->resolveValue($varAttrValue);
$varAttrValue = $objParameterBag->unescapeValue($varAttrValue);
$arrAttributes[$strAttrKey] = $varAttrValue;
$arrAttributes['id'] = $strName;
$arrAttributes['name'] = $strName;
$arrAttributes['strField'] = $strField;
$arrAttributes['strTable'] = $strTable;
$arrAttributes['label'] = (($label = \is_array($arrData['label'] ?? null) ? $arrData['label'][0] : $arrData['label'] ?? null) !== null) ? $label : $strField;
$arrAttributes['description'] = $arrData['label'][1] ?? null;
$arrAttributes['type'] = $arrData['inputType'] ?? null;
$arrAttributes['dataContainer'] = $objDca;
$arrAttributes['value'] = StringUtil::deserialize($varValue);
// Internet Explorer does not support onchange for checkboxes and radio buttons
if ($arrData['eval']['submitOnChange'] ?? null)
if (($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'checkbox' || ($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'checkboxWizard' || ($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'radio' || ($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'radioTable')
$arrAttributes['onclick'] = trim(($arrAttributes['onclick'] ?? '') . " Backend.autoSubmit('" . $strTable . "')");
$arrAttributes['onchange'] = trim(($arrAttributes['onchange'] ?? '') . " Backend.autoSubmit('" . $strTable . "')");
if (!empty($arrData['eval']['preserveTags']))
$arrAttributes['allowHtml'] = true;
if (!isset($arrAttributes['allowHtml']))
$rte = $arrData['eval']['rte'] ?? '';
$arrAttributes['allowHtml'] = 'ace|html' === $rte || 0 === strpos($rte, 'tiny');
// Decode entities if HTML is allowed
if ($arrAttributes['allowHtml'] || ($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'fileTree')
$arrAttributes['decodeEntities'] = true;
// Add Ajax event
if (($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'checkbox' && ($arrData['eval']['submitOnChange'] ?? null) && \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['subpalettes'] ?? null) && \array_key_exists($strField, $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$strTable]['subpalettes']))
$arrAttributes['onclick'] = "AjaxRequest.toggleSubpalette(this, 'sub_" . $strName . "', '" . $strField . "')";
// Options callback
if (\is_array($arrData['options_callback'] ?? null))
$arrCallback = $arrData['options_callback'];
$arrData['options'] = static::importStatic($arrCallback[0])->{$arrCallback[1]}($objDca);
elseif (\is_callable($arrData['options_callback'] ?? null))
$arrData['options'] = $arrData['options_callback']($objDca);
// Foreign key
elseif (isset($arrData['foreignKey']))
$arrKey = explode('.', $arrData['foreignKey'], 2);
$objOptions = Database::getInstance()->query("SELECT id, " . $arrKey[1] . " AS value FROM " . $arrKey[0] . " WHERE tstamp>0 ORDER BY value");
$arrData['options'] = array();
while ($objOptions->next())
$arrData['options'][$objOptions->id] = $objOptions->value;
// Add default option to single checkbox
if (($arrData['inputType'] ?? null) == 'checkbox' && !isset($arrData['options']) && !isset($arrData['options_callback']) && !isset($arrData['foreignKey']))
if (TL_MODE == 'FE' && isset($arrAttributes['description']))
$arrAttributes['options'][] = array('value'=>1, 'label'=>$arrAttributes['description']);
$arrAttributes['options'][] = array('value'=>1, 'label'=>$arrAttributes['label']);
// Add options
if (\is_array($arrData['options'] ?? null))
$blnIsAssociative = ($arrData['eval']['isAssociative'] ?? null) || ArrayUtil::isAssoc($arrData['options'] ?? null);
$blnUseReference = isset($arrData['reference']);
if (($arrData['eval']['includeBlankOption'] ?? null) && !($arrData['eval']['multiple'] ?? null))
$strLabel = $arrData['eval']['blankOptionLabel'] ?? '-';
$arrAttributes['options'][] = array('value'=>'', 'label'=>$strLabel);
$unknown = (array) $arrAttributes['value'];
foreach ($arrData['options'] as $k=>$v)
if (!\is_array($v))
$value = $blnIsAssociative ? $k : $v;
if (($i = array_search($value, $unknown)) !== false)
$arrAttributes['options'][] = array('value'=>$value, 'label'=>($blnUseReference && isset($arrData['reference'][$v]) ? ((($ref = (\is_array($arrData['reference'][$v]) ? $arrData['reference'][$v][0] : $arrData['reference'][$v])) != false) ? $ref : $v) : $v));
$key = $blnUseReference && isset($arrData['reference'][$k]) ? ((($ref = (\is_array($arrData['reference'][$k]) ? $arrData['reference'][$k][0] : $arrData['reference'][$k])) != false) ? $ref : $k) : $k;
$blnIsAssoc = ArrayUtil::isAssoc($v);
foreach ($v as $kk=>$vv)
$value = $blnIsAssoc ? $kk : $vv;
if (($i = array_search($value, $unknown)) !== false)
$arrAttributes['options'][$key][] = array('value'=>$value, 'label'=>($blnUseReference && isset($arrData['reference'][$vv]) ? ((($ref = (\is_array($arrData['reference'][$vv]) ? $arrData['reference'][$vv][0] : $arrData['reference'][$vv])) != false) ? $ref : $vv) : $vv));
$arrAttributes['unknownOption'] = array_filter($unknown);
if (\is_array($arrAttributes['sql'] ?? null) && !isset($arrAttributes['sql']['columnDefinition']))
if (!isset($arrAttributes['maxlength']) && isset($arrAttributes['sql']['length']))
$arrAttributes['maxlength'] = $arrAttributes['sql']['length'];
if (!isset($arrAttributes['unique']) && isset($arrAttributes['sql']['customSchemaOptions']['unique']))
$arrAttributes['unique'] = $arrAttributes['sql']['customSchemaOptions']['unique'];
// Convert timestamps
if ($varValue !== null && $varValue !== '' && \in_array($arrData['eval']['rgxp'] ?? null, array('date', 'time', 'datim')))
$objDate = new Date($varValue, Date::getFormatFromRgxp($arrData['eval']['rgxp']));
$arrAttributes['value'] = $objDate->{$arrData['eval']['rgxp']};
// Convert URL insert tags
if ($varValue && 'url' === ($arrData['eval']['rgxp'] ?? null))
$arrAttributes['value'] = str_replace('|urlattr}}', '}}', $varValue);
// Add the "rootNodes" array as attribute (see #3563)
if (isset($arrData['rootNodes']) && !isset($arrData['eval']['rootNodes']))
$arrAttributes['rootNodes'] = $arrData['rootNodes'];
// HOOK: add custom logic
if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getAttributesFromDca']) && \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getAttributesFromDca']))
foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getAttributesFromDca'] as $callback)
$arrAttributes = static::importStatic($callback[0])->{$callback[1]}($arrAttributes, $objDca);
// Warn if someone uses the "encrypt" flag (see #8589)
if (isset($arrAttributes['encrypt']))
trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.0', 'Using the "encrypt" flag' . (!empty($strTable) && !empty($strField) ? ' on ' . $strTable . '.' . $strField : '') . ' has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use the load and save callbacks with a third-party library such as OpenSSL or phpseclib instead.');
return $arrAttributes;
* Return the empty value based on the SQL string
* @return string|integer|null The empty value
public function getEmptyValue()
if (!isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$this->strField]['sql']))
return '';
return static::getEmptyValueByFieldType($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$this->strField]['sql']);
* Return the empty value based on the SQL string
* @param string|array $sql The SQL string
* @return string|integer|null The empty value
public static function getEmptyValueByFieldType($sql)
if (empty($sql))
return '';
if (\is_array($sql))
if (isset($sql['columnDefinition']))
$sql = $sql['columnDefinition'];
if (isset($sql['notnull']) && !$sql['notnull'])
return null;
if (\in_array($sql['type'], array(Types::BIGINT, Types::DECIMAL, Types::INTEGER, Types::SMALLINT, Types::FLOAT)))
return 0;
if ($sql['type'] === Types::BOOLEAN)
return false;
return '';
if (stripos($sql, 'NOT NULL') === false)
return null;
$type = strtolower(preg_replace('/^([A-Za-z]+)[( ].*$/', '$1', $sql));
if (\in_array($type, array('int', 'integer', 'tinyint', 'smallint', 'mediumint', 'bigint', 'float', 'double', 'dec', 'decimal')))
return 0;
return '';
* Return either an empty string or null based on the SQL string
* @return string|int|null The empty value
public function getEmptyStringOrNull()
if (!isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$this->strField]['sql']))
return '';
return static::getEmptyStringOrNullByFieldType($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'][$this->strField]['sql']);
* Return either an empty string or null based on the SQL string
* @param string $sql The SQL string
* @return string|null The empty string or null
public static function getEmptyStringOrNullByFieldType($sql)
if (empty($sql))
return '';
return static::getEmptyValueByFieldType($sql) === null ? null : '';
* Generate a submit button
* @return string The submit button markup
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
protected function addSubmit()
trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.0', 'Using "Contao\Widget::addSubmit()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.');
return '';
class_alias(Widget::class, 'Widget');