* This file is part of Contao.
* (c) Leo Feyer
* @license LGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Contao\Model;
use Contao\Database\Result;
use Contao\Model;
* The class handles traversing a set of models and lazy loads the database
* result rows upon their first usage.
* @author Leo Feyer <https://github.com/leofeyer>
class Collection implements \ArrayAccess, \Countable, \IteratorAggregate
* Table name
* @var string
protected $strTable;
* Current index
* @var integer
protected $intIndex = -1;
* Models
* @var Model[]
protected $arrModels = array();
* Create a new collection
* @param array $arrModels An array of models
* @param string $strTable The table name
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function __construct(array $arrModels, $strTable)
$arrModels = array_values($arrModels);
foreach ($arrModels as $objModel)
if (!$objModel instanceof Model)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid type: ' . \gettype($objModel));
$this->arrModels = $arrModels;
$this->strTable = $strTable;
* Set an object property
* @param string $strKey The property name
* @param mixed $varValue The property value
public function __set($strKey, $varValue)
if ($this->intIndex < 0)
$this->arrModels[$this->intIndex]->$strKey = $varValue;
* Return an object property
* @param string $strKey The property name
* @return mixed|null The property value or null
public function __get($strKey)
if ($this->intIndex < 0)
return $this->arrModels[$this->intIndex]->$strKey ?? null;
* Check whether a property is set
* @param string $strKey The property name
* @return boolean True if the property is set
public function __isset($strKey)
if ($this->intIndex < 0)
return isset($this->arrModels[$this->intIndex]->$strKey);
* Create a new collection from a database result
* @param Result $objResult The database result object
* @param string $strTable The table name
* @return static The model collection
public static function createFromDbResult(Result $objResult, $strTable)
$arrModels = array();
$strClass = Model::getClassFromTable($strTable);
while ($objResult->next())
/** @var Model $strClass */
$objModel = Registry::getInstance()->fetch($strTable, $objResult->{$strClass::getPk()});
if ($objModel !== null)
$arrModels[] = $objModel;
$arrModels[] = new $strClass($objResult);
return new static($arrModels, $strTable);
* Return the current row as associative array
* @return array The current row as array
public function row()
if ($this->intIndex < 0)
return $this->arrModels[$this->intIndex]->row();
* Set the current row from an array
* @param array $arrData The row data as array
* @return static The model collection object
public function setRow(array $arrData)
if ($this->intIndex < 0)
return $this;
* Save the current model
* @return static The model collection object
public function save()
if ($this->intIndex < 0)
return $this;
* Delete the current model and return the number of affected rows
* @return integer The number of affected rows
public function delete()
if ($this->intIndex < 0)
return $this->arrModels[$this->intIndex]->delete();
* Return the models as array
* @return Model[] An array of models
public function getModels()
return $this->arrModels;
* Lazy load related records
* @param string $strKey The property name
* @return Collection|Model The model or a model collection if there are multiple rows
public function getRelated($strKey)
if ($this->intIndex < 0)
return $this->arrModels[$this->intIndex]->getRelated($strKey);
* Return the number of rows in the result set
* @return integer The number of rows
public function count()
return \count($this->arrModels);
* Go to the first row
* @return static The model collection object
public function first()
$this->intIndex = 0;
return $this;
* Go to the previous row
* @return Collection|false The model collection object or false if there is no previous row
public function prev()
if ($this->intIndex < 1)
return false;
return $this;
* Return the current model
* @return Model The model object
public function current()
if ($this->intIndex < 0)
return $this->arrModels[$this->intIndex];
* Go to the next row
* @return Collection|false The model collection object or false if there is no next row
public function next()
if (!isset($this->arrModels[$this->intIndex + 1]))
return false;
return $this;
* Go to the last row
* @return static The model collection object
public function last()
$this->intIndex = \count($this->arrModels) - 1;
return $this;
* Reset the model
* @return static The model collection object
public function reset()
$this->intIndex = -1;
return $this;
* Fetch a column of each row
* @param string $strKey The property name
* @return array An array with all property values
public function fetchEach($strKey)
$return = array();
while ($this->next())
$strPk = $this->current()->getPk();
if ($strKey != 'id' && isset($this->$strPk))
$return[$this->$strPk] = $this->$strKey;
$return[] = $this->$strKey;
return $return;
* Fetch all columns of every row
* @return array An array with all rows and columns
public function fetchAll()
$return = array();
while ($this->next())
$return[] = $this->row();
return $return;
* Check whether an offset exists
* @param integer $offset The offset
* @return boolean True if the offset exists
public function offsetExists($offset)
return isset($this->arrModels[$offset]);
* Retrieve a particular offset
* @param integer $offset The offset
* @return Model|null The model or null
public function offsetGet($offset)
return $this->arrModels[$offset];
* Set a particular offset
* @param integer $offset The offset
* @param mixed $value The value to set
* @throws \RuntimeException The collection is immutable
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
throw new \RuntimeException('This collection is immutable');
* Unset a particular offset
* @param integer $offset The offset
* @throws \RuntimeException The collection is immutable
public function offsetUnset($offset)
throw new \RuntimeException('This collection is immutable');
* Retrieve the iterator object
* @return \ArrayIterator The iterator object
public function getIterator()
return new \ArrayIterator($this->arrModels);
class_alias(Collection::class, 'Model\Collection');