* This file is part of Contao.
* (c) Leo Feyer
* @license LGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Contao;
use Contao\CoreBundle\Exception\ResponseException;
use Contao\Image\DeferredImageInterface;
use Contao\Image\ImageDimensions;
use Patchwork\Utf8;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ResponseHeaderBag;
* Creates, reads, writes and deletes files
* Usage:
* $file = new File('test.txt');
* $file->write('This is a test');
* $file->close();
* $file->delete();
* File::putContent('test.txt', 'This is a test');
* @property integer $size The file size
* @property integer $filesize Alias of $size
* @property string $name The file name and extension
* @property string $basename Alias of $name
* @property string $dirname The path of the parent folder
* @property string $extension The lowercase file extension
* @property string $origext The original file extension
* @property string $filename The file name without extension
* @property string $tmpname The name of the temporary file
* @property string $path The file path
* @property string $value Alias of $path
* @property string $mime The mime type
* @property string $hash The MD5 checksum
* @property string $ctime The ctime
* @property string $mtime The mtime
* @property string $atime The atime
* @property string $icon The mime icon name
* @property string $dataUri The data URI
* @property array $imageSize The file dimensions (images only)
* @property integer $width The file width (images only)
* @property integer $height The file height (images only)
* @property array $imageViewSize The viewbox dimensions
* @property integer $viewWidth The viewbox width
* @property integer $viewHeight The viewbox height
* @property boolean $isImage True if the file is an image
* @property boolean $isGdImage True if the file can be handled by the GDlib
* @property boolean $isSvgImage True if the file is an SVG image
* @property integer $channels The number of channels (images only)
* @property integer $bits The number of bits for each color (images only)
* @property boolean $isRgbImage True if the file is an RGB image
* @property boolean $isCmykImage True if the file is a CMYK image
* @property resource $handle The file handle (returned by fopen())
* @property string $title The file title
* @author Leo Feyer <https://github.com/leofeyer>
class File extends System
* File handle
* @var resource
protected $resFile;
* File name
* @var string
protected $strFile;
* Temp name
* @var string
protected $strTmp;
* Files model
* @var FilesModel
protected $objModel;
* Root dir
* @var string
protected $strRootDir;
* Pathinfo
* @var array
protected $arrPathinfo = array();
* Image size
* @var array
protected $arrImageSize = array();
* Image size runtime cache
* @var array
protected static $arrImageSizeCache = array();
* Image view size
* @var array
protected $arrImageViewSize = array();
* Instantiate a new file object
* @param string $strFile The file path
* @throws \Exception If $strFile is a directory
public function __construct($strFile)
// Handle open_basedir restrictions
if ($strFile == '.')
$strFile = '';
$this->strRootDir = System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.project_dir');
// Make sure we are not pointing to a directory
if (is_dir($this->strRootDir . '/' . $strFile))
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Directory "%s" is not a file', $strFile));
$this->import(Files::class, 'Files');
$this->strFile = $strFile;
* Close the file handle if it has not been done yet
public function __destruct()
if (\is_resource($this->resFile))
* Return an object property
* @param string $strKey The property name
* @return mixed The property value
public function __get($strKey)
switch ($strKey)
case 'size':
case 'filesize':
return filesize($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile);
case 'name':
case 'basename':
if (!isset($this->arrPathinfo[$strKey]))
$this->arrPathinfo = $this->getPathinfo();
return $this->arrPathinfo['basename'];
case 'dirname':
case 'filename':
if (!isset($this->arrPathinfo[$strKey]))
$this->arrPathinfo = $this->getPathinfo();
return $this->arrPathinfo[$strKey];
case 'extension':
if (!isset($this->arrPathinfo['extension']))
$this->arrPathinfo = $this->getPathinfo();
return strtolower($this->arrPathinfo['extension']);
case 'origext':
if (!isset($this->arrPathinfo['extension']))
$this->arrPathinfo = $this->getPathinfo();
return $this->arrPathinfo['extension'];
case 'tmpname':
return basename($this->strTmp);
case 'path':
case 'value':
return $this->strFile;
case 'mime':
return $this->getMimeType();
case 'hash':
return $this->getHash();
case 'ctime':
return filectime($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile);
case 'mtime':
return filemtime($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile);
case 'atime':
return fileatime($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile);
case 'icon':
return $this->getIcon();
case 'dataUri':
if ($this->extension == 'svgz')
return 'data:' . $this->mime . ';base64,' . base64_encode(gzdecode($this->getContent()));
return 'data:' . $this->mime . ';base64,' . base64_encode($this->getContent());
case 'imageSize':
if (empty($this->arrImageSize))
$strCacheKey = $this->strFile . '|' . ($this->exists() ? $this->mtime : 0);
if (isset(static::$arrImageSizeCache[$strCacheKey]))
$this->arrImageSize = static::$arrImageSizeCache[$strCacheKey];
$imageFactory = System::getContainer()->get('contao.image.image_factory');
$dimensions = $imageFactory->create($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile)->getDimensions();
if (!$dimensions->isRelative() && !$dimensions->isUndefined())
$mapper = array
$this->arrImageSize = array
$mapper[$this->extension] ?? 0,
'width="' . $dimensions->getSize()->getWidth() . '" height="' . $dimensions->getSize()->getHeight() . '"',
'bits' => 8,
'channels' => 3,
'mime' => $this->getMimeType()
catch (\Exception $e)
// ignore
if (!isset(static::$arrImageSizeCache[$strCacheKey]))
static::$arrImageSizeCache[$strCacheKey] = $this->arrImageSize;
return $this->arrImageSize;
case 'width':
return $this->imageSize[0] ?? null;
case 'height':
return $this->imageSize[1] ?? null;
case 'imageViewSize':
if (empty($this->arrImageViewSize))
if ($this->imageSize)
$this->arrImageViewSize = array
elseif ($this->isSvgImage)
$dimensions = new ImageDimensions(
->open($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile)
$this->arrImageViewSize = array
(int) $dimensions->getSize()->getWidth(),
(int) $dimensions->getSize()->getHeight()
if (!$this->arrImageViewSize[0] || !$this->arrImageViewSize[1] || $dimensions->isUndefined())
$this->arrImageViewSize = false;
catch (\Exception $e)
$this->arrImageViewSize = false;
return $this->arrImageViewSize;
case 'viewWidth':
// Store in variable as empty() calls __isset() which is not implemented and thus alway true
$imageViewSize = $this->imageViewSize;
return !empty($imageViewSize) ? $imageViewSize[0] : null;
case 'viewHeight':
// Store in variable as empty() calls __isset() which is not implemented and thus alway true
$imageViewSize = $this->imageViewSize;
return !empty($imageViewSize) ? $imageViewSize[1] : null;
case 'isImage':
return $this->isGdImage || $this->isSvgImage;
case 'isGdImage':
return \in_array($this->extension, array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp'));
case 'isSvgImage':
return \in_array($this->extension, array('svg', 'svgz'));
case 'channels':
return $this->imageSize['channels'];
case 'bits':
return $this->imageSize['bits'];
case 'isRgbImage':
return $this->channels == 3;
case 'isCmykImage':
return $this->channels == 4;
case 'handle':
if (!\is_resource($this->resFile))
$this->resFile = fopen($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile, 'r');
return $this->resFile;
return parent::__get($strKey);
* Create the file if it does not yet exist
* @throws \Exception If the file cannot be written
protected function createIfNotExists()
// The file exists
if (file_exists($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile))
// Handle open_basedir restrictions
if (($strFolder = \dirname($this->strFile)) == '.')
$strFolder = '';
// Create the folder
if (!is_dir($this->strRootDir . '/' . $strFolder))
new Folder($strFolder);
// Open the file
if (!$this->resFile = $this->Files->fopen($this->strFile, 'wb'))
throw new \Exception(sprintf('Cannot create file "%s"', $this->strFile));
* Check whether the file exists
* @return boolean True if the file exists
public function exists()
return file_exists($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile);
* Truncate the file and reset the file pointer
* @return boolean True if the operation was successful
public function truncate()
if (\is_resource($this->resFile))
ftruncate($this->resFile, 0);
return $this->write('');
* Write data to the file
* @param mixed $varData The data to be written
* @return boolean True if the operation was successful
public function write($varData)
return $this->fputs($varData, 'wb');
* Append data to the file
* @param mixed $varData The data to be appended
* @param string $strLine The line ending (defaults to LF)
* @return boolean True if the operation was successful
public function append($varData, $strLine="\n")
return $this->fputs($varData . $strLine, 'ab');
* Prepend data to the file
* @param mixed $varData The data to be prepended
* @param string $strLine The line ending (defaults to LF)
* @return boolean True if the operation was successful
public function prepend($varData, $strLine="\n")
return $this->fputs($varData . $strLine . $this->getContent(), 'wb');
* Delete the file
* @return boolean True if the operation was successful
public function delete()
$return = $this->Files->delete($this->strFile);
// Update the database
if (Dbafs::shouldBeSynchronized($this->strFile))
return $return;
* Set the file permissions
* @param integer $intChmod The CHMOD settings
* @return boolean True if the operation was successful
public function chmod($intChmod)
return $this->Files->chmod($this->strFile, $intChmod);
* Close the file handle
* @return boolean True if the operation was successful
public function close()
if (\is_resource($this->resFile))
// Create the file path
if (!file_exists($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile))
// Handle open_basedir restrictions
if (($strFolder = \dirname($this->strFile)) == '.')
$strFolder = '';
// Create the parent folder
if (!is_dir($this->strRootDir . '/' . $strFolder))
new Folder($strFolder);
// Move the temporary file to its destination
$return = $this->Files->rename($this->strTmp, $this->strFile);
$this->strTmp = null;
// Update the database
if (Dbafs::shouldBeSynchronized($this->strFile))
$this->objModel = Dbafs::addResource($this->strFile);
return $return;
* Return the files model
* @return FilesModel The files model
public function getModel()
if ($this->objModel === null && Dbafs::shouldBeSynchronized($this->strFile))
$this->objModel = FilesModel::findByPath($this->strFile);
return $this->objModel;
* Generate the image if the current file is a deferred image and does not exist yet
* @return bool True if a deferred image was resized otherwise false
public function createIfDeferred()
if (!$this->exists())
$image = System::getContainer()->get('contao.image.image_factory')->create($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile);
if ($image instanceof DeferredImageInterface)
return true;
catch (\Throwable $e)
// ignore
return false;
* Return the file content as string
* @return string The file content without BOM
public function getContent()
$strContent = file_get_contents($this->strRootDir . '/' . ($this->strTmp ?: $this->strFile));
// Remove BOMs (see #4469)
if (strncmp($strContent, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3) === 0)
$strContent = substr($strContent, 3);
elseif (strncmp($strContent, "\xFF\xFE", 2) === 0)
$strContent = substr($strContent, 2);
elseif (strncmp($strContent, "\xFE\xFF", 2) === 0)
$strContent = substr($strContent, 2);
return $strContent;
* Write to a file
* @param string $strFile Relative file name
* @param string $strContent Content to be written
public static function putContent($strFile, $strContent)
$objFile = new static($strFile);
* Return the file content as array
* @return array The file content as array
public function getContentAsArray()
return array_map('rtrim', file($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile));
* Rename the file
* @param string $strNewName The new path
* @return boolean True if the operation was successful
public function renameTo($strNewName)
$strParent = \dirname($strNewName);
// Create the parent folder if it does not exist
if (!is_dir($this->strRootDir . '/' . $strParent))
new Folder($strParent);
$return = $this->Files->rename($this->strFile, $strNewName);
// Update the database AFTER the file has been renamed
$syncSource = Dbafs::shouldBeSynchronized($this->strFile);
$syncTarget = Dbafs::shouldBeSynchronized($strNewName);
// Synchronize the database
if ($syncSource && $syncTarget)
$this->objModel = Dbafs::moveResource($this->strFile, $strNewName);
elseif ($syncSource)
$this->objModel = Dbafs::deleteResource($this->strFile);
elseif ($syncTarget)
$this->objModel = Dbafs::addResource($strNewName);
// Reset the object AFTER the database has been updated
if ($return != false)
$this->strFile = $strNewName;
$this->arrImageSize = array();
$this->arrPathinfo = array();
return $return;
* Copy the file
* @param string $strNewName The target path
* @return boolean True if the operation was successful
public function copyTo($strNewName)
$strParent = \dirname($strNewName);
// Create the parent folder if it does not exist
if (!is_dir($this->strRootDir . '/' . $strParent))
new Folder($strParent);
$return = $this->Files->copy($this->strFile, $strNewName);
// Update the database AFTER the file has been renamed
$syncSource = Dbafs::shouldBeSynchronized($this->strFile);
$syncTarget = Dbafs::shouldBeSynchronized($strNewName);
// Synchronize the database
if ($syncSource && $syncTarget)
Dbafs::copyResource($this->strFile, $strNewName);
elseif ($syncTarget)
return $return;
* Resize the file if it is an image
* @param integer $width The target width
* @param integer $height The target height
* @param string $mode The resize mode
* @return boolean True if the image could be resized successfully
public function resizeTo($width, $height, $mode='')
if (!$this->isImage)
return false;
->create($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile, array($width, $height, $mode), $this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile)
$this->arrPathinfo = array();
$this->arrImageSize = array();
// Clear the image size cache as mtime could potentially not change
unset(static::$arrImageSizeCache[$this->strFile . '|' . $this->mtime]);
return true;
* Send the file to the browser
* @param string $filename An optional filename
* @param boolean $inline Show the file in the browser instead of opening the download dialog
* @throws ResponseException
public function sendToBrowser($filename='', $inline=false)
$response = new BinaryFileResponse($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile);
$response->setPrivate(); // public by default
$inline ? ResponseHeaderBag::DISPOSITION_INLINE : ResponseHeaderBag::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT,
$response->headers->set('Connection', 'close');
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', $this->getMimeType());
throw new ResponseException($response);
* Check if any parent folder contains a .public file
* @return bool
public function isUnprotected()
return (new Folder(\dirname($this->strFile)))->isUnprotected();
* Write data to a file
* @param mixed $varData The data to be written
* @param string $strMode The operation mode
* @return boolean True if the operation was successful
protected function fputs($varData, $strMode)
if (!\is_resource($this->resFile))
$this->strTmp = 'system/tmp/' . md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
// Copy the contents of the original file to append data
if (strncmp($strMode, 'a', 1) === 0 && file_exists($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile))
$this->Files->copy($this->strFile, $this->strTmp);
// Open the temporary file
if (!$this->resFile = $this->Files->fopen($this->strTmp, $strMode))
return false;
fwrite($this->resFile, $varData);
return true;
* Return the mime type and icon of the file based on its extension
* @return array An array with mime type and icon name
protected function getMimeInfo()
return $GLOBALS['TL_MIME'][$this->extension] ?? array('application/octet-stream', 'iconPLAIN.svg');
* Get the mime type of the file based on its extension
* @return string The mime type
protected function getMimeType()
$arrMime = $this->getMimeInfo();
return $arrMime[0];
* Return the file icon depending on the file type
* @return string The icon name
protected function getIcon()
$arrMime = $this->getMimeInfo();
return $arrMime[1];
* Return the MD5 hash of the file
* @return string The MD5 hash
protected function getHash()
// Do not try to hash if bigger than 2 GB
if ($this->filesize >= 2147483648)
return '';
return md5_file($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strFile);
* Return the path info (binary-safe)
* @return array The path info
* @see https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/blob/master/class.phpmailer.php#L3520
protected function getPathinfo()
$matches = array();
$return = array('dirname'=>'', 'basename'=>'', 'extension'=>'', 'filename'=>'');
preg_match('%^(.*?)[\\\\/]*(([^/\\\\]*?)(\.([^.\\\\/]+?)|))[\\\\/.]*$%m', $this->strFile, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1]))
$return['dirname'] = $this->strRootDir . '/' . $matches[1]; // see #8325
if (isset($matches[2]))
$return['basename'] = $matches[2];
if (isset($matches[5]))
$return['extension'] = $matches[5];
if (isset($matches[3]))
$return['filename'] = $matches[3];
return $return;
class_alias(File::class, 'File');