* This file is part of Contao.
* (c) Leo Feyer
* @license LGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Contao;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Exception\FileLocatorFileNotFoundException;
* Extracts DCA information and cache it
* The class parses the DCA files and stores various extracts like relations
* in the cache directory. This metadata can then be loaded and used in the
* application (e.g. the Model classes).
* Usage:
* $user = DcaExtractor::getInstance('tl_user');
* if ($user->hasRelations())
* {
* print_r($user->getRelations());
* }
* @author Leo Feyer <https://github.com/leofeyer>
class DcaExtractor extends Controller
* Instances
* @var DcaExtractor[]
protected static $arrInstances = array();
* Table name
* @var string
protected $strTable;
* Metadata
* @var array
protected $arrMeta = array();
* Fields
* @var array
protected $arrFields = array();
* Order fields
* @var array
protected $arrOrderFields = array();
* Unique fields
* @var array
protected $arrUniqueFields = array();
* Keys
* @var array
protected $arrKeys = array();
* Relations
* @var array
protected $arrRelations = array();
* SQL buffer
* @var array
protected static $arrSql = array();
* Database table
* @var boolean
protected $blnIsDbTable = false;
* database.sql file paths
* @var array|null
private static $arrDatabaseSqlFiles;
* Load or create the extract
* @param string $strTable The table name
* @throws \Exception If $strTable is empty
protected function __construct($strTable)
if (!$strTable)
throw new \Exception('The table name must not be empty');
$this->strTable = $strTable;
$strFile = System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir') . '/contao/sql/' . $strTable . '.php';
// Try to load from cache
if (file_exists($strFile))
include $strFile;
* Prevent cloning of the object (Singleton)
final public function __clone()
* Get one object instance per table
* @param string $strTable The table name
* @return DcaExtractor The object instance
public static function getInstance($strTable)
if (!isset(static::$arrInstances[$strTable]))
static::$arrInstances[$strTable] = new static($strTable);
return static::$arrInstances[$strTable];
* Return the metadata as array
* @return array The metadata
public function getMeta()
return $this->arrMeta;
* Return true if there is metadata
* @return boolean True if there is metadata
public function hasMeta()
return !empty($this->arrMeta);
* Return the fields as array
* @return array The fields array
public function getFields()
return $this->arrFields;
* Return true if there are fields
* @return boolean True if there are fields
public function hasFields()
return !empty($this->arrFields);
* Return the order fields as array
* @return array The order fields array
public function getOrderFields()
return $this->arrOrderFields;
* Return true if there are order fields
* @return boolean True if there are order fields
public function hasOrderFields()
return !empty($this->arrOrderFields);
* Return an array of unique columns
* @return array
public function getUniqueFields()
return $this->arrUniqueFields;
* Return true if there are unique fields
* @return boolean True if there are unique fields
public function hasUniqueFields()
return !empty($this->arrUniqueFields);
* Return the keys as array
* @return array The keys array
public function getKeys()
return $this->arrKeys;
* Return true if there are keys
* @return boolean True if there are keys
public function hasKeys()
return !empty($this->arrKeys);
* Return the relations as array
* @return array The relations array
public function getRelations()
return $this->arrRelations;
* Return true if there are relations
* @return boolean True if there are relations
public function hasRelations()
return !empty($this->arrRelations);
* Return true if the extract relates to a database table
* @return boolean True if the extract relates to a database table
public function isDbTable()
return $this->blnIsDbTable;
* Return an array that can be used by the database installer
* @return array The data array
public function getDbInstallerArray()
$return = array();
// Fields
foreach ($this->arrFields as $k=>$v)
if (\is_array($v))
if (!isset($v['name']))
$v['name'] = $k;
$return['SCHEMA_FIELDS'][$k] = $v;
$return['TABLE_FIELDS'][$k] = '`' . $k . '` ' . $v;
$quote = static function ($item) { return '`' . $item . '`'; };
// Keys
foreach ($this->arrKeys as $k=>$v)
// Handle multi-column indexes (see #5556)
if (strpos($k, ',') !== false)
$f = array_map($quote, StringUtil::trimsplit(',', $k));
$k = str_replace(',', '_', $k);
$f = array($quote($k));
if ($v == 'primary')
$k = 'PRIMARY';
$v = 'PRIMARY KEY (' . implode(', ', $f) . ')';
elseif ($v == 'index')
$v = 'KEY `' . $k . '` (' . implode(', ', $f) . ')';
$v = strtoupper($v) . ' KEY `' . $k . '` (' . implode(', ', $f) . ')';
$return['TABLE_CREATE_DEFINITIONS'][$k] = $v;
$return['TABLE_OPTIONS'] = '';
// Options
foreach ($this->arrMeta as $k=>$v)
if ($k == 'engine')
$return['TABLE_OPTIONS'] .= ' ENGINE=' . $v;
elseif ($k == 'charset')
$return['TABLE_OPTIONS'] .= ' DEFAULT CHARSET=' . $v;
elseif ($k == 'collate')
$return['TABLE_OPTIONS'] .= ' COLLATE ' . $v;
return $return;
* Create the extract from the DCA or the database.sql files
protected function createExtract()
// Load the default language file (see #7202)
if (empty($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']))
// Load the data container
// Return if the table is not defined
if (!isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]))
// Return if the DC type is "File"
if (($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['config']['dataContainer'] ?? null) == 'File')
// Return if the DC type is "Folder" and the DC is not database assisted
if (($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['config']['dataContainer'] ?? null) == 'Folder' && empty($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['config']['databaseAssisted']))
$blnFromFile = false;
$arrRelations = array();
// Check whether there are fields (see #4826)
if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields']))
foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'] as $field=>$config)
// Check whether all fields have an SQL definition
if (!\array_key_exists('sql', $config) && isset($config['inputType']))
$blnFromFile = true;
// Check whether there is a relation (see #6524)
if (isset($config['relation']))
$table = null;
if (isset($config['foreignKey']))
$table = explode('.', $config['foreignKey'])[0];
$arrRelations[$field] = array_merge(array('table'=>$table, 'field'=>'id'), $config['relation']);
// Store the field delimiter if the related IDs are stored in CSV format (see #257)
if (isset($config['eval']['csv']))
$arrRelations[$field]['delimiter'] = $config['eval']['csv'];
// Table name and field name are mandatory
if (empty($arrRelations[$field]['table']) || empty($arrRelations[$field]['field']))
throw new \Exception('Incomplete relation defined for ' . $this->strTable . '.' . $field);
$sql = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['config']['sql'] ?? array();
$fields = $GLOBALS['TL_DCA'][$this->strTable]['fields'] ?? array();
// Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0
if ($blnFromFile && !empty($files = $this->getDatabaseSqlFiles()))
trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.0', 'Using "database.sql" files has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use a DCA file instead.');
if (!isset(static::$arrSql[$this->strTable]))
$arrSql = array();
foreach ($files as $file)
$arrSql = array_merge_recursive($arrSql, SqlFileParser::parse($file));
static::$arrSql = $arrSql;
$arrTable = static::$arrSql[$this->strTable];
$engine = null;
$charset = null;
if (isset($arrTable['TABLE_OPTIONS']))
if (\is_array($arrTable['TABLE_OPTIONS']))
$arrTable['TABLE_OPTIONS'] = $arrTable['TABLE_OPTIONS'][0]; // see #324
$chunks = explode(' ', trim($arrTable['TABLE_OPTIONS']));
if (isset($chunks[0]))
$engine = $chunks[0];
if (isset($chunks[2]))
$charset = $chunks[2];
if ($engine)
$sql['engine'] = str_replace('ENGINE=', '', $engine);
if ($charset)
$sql['charset'] = str_replace('CHARSET=', '', $charset);
// Fields
if (isset($arrTable['TABLE_FIELDS']))
foreach ($arrTable['TABLE_FIELDS'] as $k=>$v)
$fields[$k]['sql'] = str_replace('`' . $k . '` ', '', $v);
// Keys
if (isset($arrTable['TABLE_CREATE_DEFINITIONS']))
foreach ($arrTable['TABLE_CREATE_DEFINITIONS'] as $strKey)
if (preg_match('/^([A-Z]+ )?KEY .+\(([^)]+)\)$/', $strKey, $arrMatches) && preg_match_all('/`([^`]+)`/', $arrMatches[2], $arrFields))
$type = trim($arrMatches[1]);
$field = implode(',', $arrFields[1]);
$sql['keys'][$field] = $type ? strtolower($type) : 'index';
// Relations
if (!empty($arrRelations))
$this->arrRelations = array();
foreach ($arrRelations as $field=>$config)
$this->arrRelations[$field] = array();
foreach ($config as $k=>$v)
$this->arrRelations[$field][$k] = $v;
// Not a database table or no field information
if (empty($sql) || empty($fields))
$params = System::getContainer()->get('database_connection')->getParams();
// Add the default engine and charset if none is given
if (empty($sql['engine']))
$sql['engine'] = $params['defaultTableOptions']['engine'] ?? 'InnoDB';
if (empty($sql['charset']))
$sql['charset'] = $params['defaultTableOptions']['charset'] ?? 'utf8mb4';
if (empty($sql['collate']))
$sql['collate'] = $params['defaultTableOptions']['collate'] ?? 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci';
// Meta
$this->arrMeta = array
'engine' => $sql['engine'],
'charset' => $sql['charset'],
'collate' => $sql['collate']
$this->arrFields = array();
$this->arrOrderFields = array();
// Fields
foreach ($fields as $field=>$config)
if (isset($config['sql']))
$this->arrFields[$field] = $config['sql'];
// Only add order fields of binary fields (see #7785)
if (isset($config['inputType'], $config['eval']['orderField']) && $config['inputType'] == 'fileTree')
$this->arrOrderFields[] = $config['eval']['orderField'];
if (isset($config['eval']['unique']) && $config['eval']['unique'])
$this->arrUniqueFields[] = $field;
// Keys
if (!empty($sql['keys']) && \is_array($sql['keys']))
$this->arrKeys = array();
foreach ($sql['keys'] as $field=>$type)
$this->arrKeys[$field] = $type;
if ($type == 'unique')
$this->arrUniqueFields[] = $field;
$this->arrUniqueFields = array_unique($this->arrUniqueFields);
$this->blnIsDbTable = true;
private function getDatabaseSqlFiles(): array
if (null !== self::$arrDatabaseSqlFiles)
return self::$arrDatabaseSqlFiles;
$files = System::getContainer()->get('contao.resource_locator')->locate('config/database.sql', null, false);
catch (FileLocatorFileNotFoundException $e)
$files = array();
return self::$arrDatabaseSqlFiles = $files;
class_alias(DcaExtractor::class, 'DcaExtractor');