* This file is part of Contao.
* (c) Leo Feyer
* @license LGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Contao;
use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Webmozart\PathUtil\Path;
* Loads and writes the local configuration file
* Custom settings above or below the `### INSTALL SCRIPT ###` markers will be
* preserved.
* @author Leo Feyer <https://github.com/leofeyer>
class Config
* Object instance (Singleton)
* @var Config
protected static $objInstance;
* Files object
* @var Files
protected $Files;
* Top content
* @var string
protected $strTop = '';
* Bottom content
* @var string
protected $strBottom = '';
* Modification indicator
* @var boolean
protected $blnIsModified = false;
* Local file existance
* @var boolean
protected static $blnHasLcf;
* Data
* @var array
protected $arrData = array();
* Cache
* @var array
protected $arrCache = array();
* Root dir
* @var string
protected $strRootDir;
private static $arrDeprecatedMap = array
'dbHost' => 'database_host',
'dbPort' => 'database_port',
'dbUser' => 'database_user',
'dbPass' => 'database_password',
'dbDatabase' => 'database_name',
'smtpHost' => 'mailer_host',
'smtpUser' => 'mailer_user',
'smtpPass' => 'mailer_password',
'smtpPort' => 'mailer_port',
'smtpEnc' => 'mailer_encryption',
'addLanguageToUrl' => 'contao.prepend_locale',
'urlSuffix' => 'contao.url_suffix',
'uploadPath' => 'contao.upload_path',
'editableFiles' => 'contao.editable_files',
'debugMode' => 'kernel.debug',
'characterSet' => 'kernel.charset',
'enableSearch' => 'contao.search.default_indexer.enable',
'indexProtected' => 'contao.search.index_protected',
private static $arrDeprecated = array
'validImageTypes' => 'contao.image.valid_extensions',
'jpgQuality' => 'contao.image.imagine_options[jpeg_quality]',
* Prevent direct instantiation (Singleton)
protected function __construct()
$this->strRootDir = System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.project_dir');
* Automatically save the local configuration
public function __destruct()
if ($this->blnIsModified)
* Prevent cloning of the object (Singleton)
final public function __clone()
* Return the current object instance (Singleton)
* @return static The object instance
public static function getInstance()
if (static::$objInstance === null)
static::$objInstance = new static();
return static::$objInstance;
* Load all configuration files
protected function initialize()
if (static::$blnHasLcf === null)
$strCacheDir = System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.cache_dir');
if (file_exists($strCacheDir . '/contao/config/config.php'))
include $strCacheDir . '/contao/config/config.php';
$files = System::getContainer()->get('contao.resource_locator')->locate('config/config.php', null, false);
catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e)
$files = array();
foreach ($files as $file)
include $file;
// Include the local configuration file again
if (static::$blnHasLcf)
include $this->strRootDir . '/system/config/localconfig.php';
* Mark the object as modified
protected function markModified()
// Return if marked as modified already
if ($this->blnIsModified === true)
$this->blnIsModified = true;
// Reset the top and bottom content (see #344)
$this->strTop = '';
$this->strBottom = '';
// Import the Files object (required in the destructor)
$this->Files = Files::getInstance();
// Parse the local configuration file
if (static::$blnHasLcf)
$strMode = 'top';
$resFile = fopen($this->strRootDir . '/system/config/localconfig.php', 'r');
while (!feof($resFile))
$strLine = fgets($resFile);
$strTrim = trim($strLine);
if ($strTrim == '?>')
if ($strTrim == '### INSTALL SCRIPT START ###')
$strMode = 'data';
if ($strTrim == '### INSTALL SCRIPT STOP ###')
$strMode = 'bottom';
if ($strMode == 'top')
$this->strTop .= $strLine;
elseif ($strMode == 'bottom')
$this->strBottom .= $strLine;
elseif ($strTrim)
$arrChunks = array_map('trim', explode('=', $strLine, 2));
$this->arrData[$arrChunks[0]] = $arrChunks[1];
* Save the local configuration file
public function save()
if (!$this->strTop)
$this->strTop = '<?php';
$strFile = trim($this->strTop) . "\n\n";
$strFile .= "### INSTALL SCRIPT START ###\n";
foreach ($this->arrData as $k=>$v)
$strFile .= "$k = $v\n";
$strFile .= "### INSTALL SCRIPT STOP ###\n";
$this->strBottom = trim($this->strBottom);
if ($this->strBottom)
$strFile .= "\n" . $this->strBottom . "\n";
$strTemp = Path::join($this->strRootDir, 'system/tmp', md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)));
// Write to a temp file first
$objFile = fopen($strTemp, 'w');
fwrite($objFile, $strFile);
// Make sure the file has been written (see #4483)
if (!filesize($strTemp))
System::log('The local configuration file could not be written. Have you reached your quota limit?', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
$fs = new Filesystem();
// Adjust the file permissions (see #8178)
$fs->chmod($strTemp, 0666 & ~umask());
$strDestination = Path::join($this->strRootDir, 'system/config/localconfig.php');
// Get the realpath in case it is a symlink (see #2209)
if ($realpath = realpath($strDestination))
$strDestination = $realpath;
// Then move the file to its final destination
$fs->rename($strTemp, $strDestination, true);
// Reset the Zend OPcache
if (\function_exists('opcache_invalidate'))
opcache_invalidate($strDestination, true);
// Recompile the APC file (thanks to Trenker)
if (\function_exists('apc_compile_file') && !ini_get('apc.stat'))
$this->blnIsModified = false;
* Return true if the installation is complete
* @return boolean True if the installation is complete
public static function isComplete()
return static::$blnHasLcf !== null && static::has('licenseAccepted');
* Return all active modules as array
* @return array An array of active modules
* @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
* Use the container parameter "kernel.bundles" instead.
public function getActiveModules()
trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.0', 'Using "Contao\Config::getActiveModules()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use "kernel.bundles" instead.');
return ModuleLoader::getActive();
* Add a configuration variable to the local configuration file
* @param string $strKey The full variable name
* @param mixed $varValue The configuration value
public function add($strKey, $varValue)
$this->arrData[$strKey] = $this->escape($varValue) . ';';
* Alias for Config::add()
* @param string $strKey The full variable name
* @param mixed $varValue The configuration value
public function update($strKey, $varValue)
$this->add($strKey, $varValue);
* Remove a configuration variable
* @param string $strKey The full variable name
public function delete($strKey)
* Check whether a configuration value exists
* @param string $strKey The short key
* @return boolean True if the configuration value exists
public static function has($strKey)
return \array_key_exists($strKey, $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']);
* Return a configuration value
* @param string $strKey The short key
* @return mixed The configuration value
public static function get($strKey)
if (isset(self::$arrDeprecated[$strKey]) || isset(self::$arrDeprecatedMap[$strKey]))
trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.12', 'Using "%s(\'%s\')" has been deprecated. Use the "%s" parameter instead.', __METHOD__, $strKey, self::$arrDeprecated[$strKey] ?? self::$arrDeprecatedMap[$strKey]);
return $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG'][$strKey] ?? null;
* Temporarily set a configuration value
* @param string $strKey The short key
* @param mixed $varValue The configuration value
public static function set($strKey, $varValue)
if (isset(self::$arrDeprecated[$strKey]) || isset(self::$arrDeprecatedMap[$strKey]))
trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.12', 'Using "%s(\'%s\', …)" has been deprecated. Use the "%s" parameter instead.', __METHOD__, $strKey, self::$arrDeprecated[$strKey] ?? self::$arrDeprecatedMap[$strKey]);
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG'][$strKey] = $varValue;
* Permanently set a configuration value
* @param string $strKey The short key or full variable name
* @param mixed $varValue The configuration value
public static function persist($strKey, $varValue)
$objConfig = static::getInstance();
if (strncmp($strKey, '$GLOBALS', 8) !== 0)
$strKey = "\$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['$strKey']";
$objConfig->add($strKey, $varValue);
* Permanently remove a configuration value
* @param string $strKey The short key or full variable name
public static function remove($strKey)
$objConfig = static::getInstance();
if (strncmp($strKey, '$GLOBALS', 8) !== 0)
$strKey = "\$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['$strKey']";
* Preload the default and local configuration
public static function preload()
// Load the default files
include __DIR__ . '/../../config/default.php';
include __DIR__ . '/../../config/agents.php';
include __DIR__ . '/../../config/mimetypes.php';
$projectDir = System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.project_dir');
// Include the local configuration file
if (($blnHasLcf = file_exists($projectDir . '/system/config/localconfig.php')) === true)
include $projectDir . '/system/config/localconfig.php';
static::$blnHasLcf = $blnHasLcf;
* Override the database and SMTP parameters
protected static function loadParameters()
$container = System::getContainer();
if ($container === null)
if ($container->hasParameter('contao.localconfig') && \is_array($params = $container->getParameter('contao.localconfig')))
foreach ($params as $key=>$value)
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG'][$key] = $value;
foreach (self::$arrDeprecatedMap as $strKey=>$strParam)
if ($container->hasParameter($strParam))
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG'][$strKey] = $container->getParameter($strParam);
$objRequest = $container->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest();
/** @var PageModel $objPage */
if (null !== $objRequest && ($objPage = $objRequest->attributes->get('pageModel')) instanceof PageModel)
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['addLanguageToUrl'] = $objPage->urlPrefix !== '';
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['urlSuffix'] = $objPage->urlSuffix;
if ($container->hasParameter('contao.image.valid_extensions'))
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['validImageTypes'] = implode(',', $container->getParameter('contao.image.valid_extensions'));
if ($container->hasParameter('contao.image.imagine_options'))
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['jpgQuality'] = $container->getParameter('contao.image.imagine_options')['jpeg_quality'];
* Escape a value depending on its type
* @param mixed $varValue The value
* @return mixed The escaped value
protected function escape($varValue)
if (is_numeric($varValue) && $varValue < PHP_INT_MAX && !preg_match('/e|^[+-]?0[^.]/', $varValue))
return $varValue;
if (\is_bool($varValue))
return $varValue ? 'true' : 'false';
if ($varValue == 'true')
return 'true';
if ($varValue == 'false')
return 'false';
return "'" . str_replace('\\"', '"', preg_replace('/[\n\r\t ]+/', ' ', addslashes($varValue))) . "'";
class_alias(Config::class, 'Config');