* This file is part of Contao.
* (c) Leo Feyer
* @license LGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Contao;
use ScssPhp\ScssPhp\Compiler;
use ScssPhp\ScssPhp\OutputStyle;
* Combines .css or .js files into one single file
* Usage:
* $combiner = new Combiner();
* $combiner->add('css/style.css');
* $combiner->add('css/fonts.scss');
* $combiner->add('css/print.less');
* echo $combiner->getCombinedFile();
* @author Leo Feyer <https://github.com/leofeyer>
class Combiner extends System
* The .css file extension
const CSS = '.css';
* The .js file extension
const JS = '.js';
* The .scss file extension
const SCSS = '.scss';
* The .less file extension
const LESS = '.less';
* Unique file key
* @var string
protected $strKey = '';
* Operation mode
* @var string
protected $strMode;
* Files
* @var array
protected $arrFiles = array();
* Root dir
* @var string
protected $strRootDir;
* Web dir relative to $this->strRootDir
* @var string
protected $strWebDir;
* Public constructor required
public function __construct()
$container = System::getContainer();
$this->strRootDir = $container->getParameter('kernel.project_dir');
$this->strWebDir = StringUtil::stripRootDir($container->getParameter('contao.web_dir'));
* Add a file to the combined file
* @param string $strFile The file to be added
* @param string $strVersion An optional version number
* @param string $strMedia The media type of the file (.css only)
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $strFile is invalid
* @throws \LogicException If different file types are mixed
public function add($strFile, $strVersion=null, $strMedia='all')
$strType = strrchr($strFile, '.');
// Check the file type
if ($strType != self::CSS && $strType != self::JS && $strType != self::SCSS && $strType != self::LESS)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid file $strFile");
$strMode = ($strType == self::JS) ? self::JS : self::CSS;
// Set the operation mode
if ($this->strMode === null)
$this->strMode = $strMode;
elseif ($this->strMode != $strMode)
throw new \LogicException('You cannot mix different file types. Create another Combiner object instead.');
// Check the source file
if (!file_exists($this->strRootDir . '/' . $strFile))
// Handle public bundle resources in the contao.web_dir folder
if (file_exists($this->strRootDir . '/' . $this->strWebDir . '/' . $strFile))
$strFile = $this->strWebDir . '/' . $strFile;
// Prevent duplicates
if (isset($this->arrFiles[$strFile]))
// Default version
if ($strVersion === null)
$strVersion = filemtime($this->strRootDir . '/' . $strFile);
// Store the file
$arrFile = array
'name' => $strFile,
'version' => $strVersion,
'media' => $strMedia,
'extension' => $strType
$this->arrFiles[$strFile] = $arrFile;
$this->strKey .= '-f' . $strFile . '-v' . $strVersion . '-m' . $strMedia;
* Add multiple files from an array
* @param array $arrFiles An array of files to be added
* @param string $strVersion An optional version number
* @param string $strMedia The media type of the file (.css only)
public function addMultiple(array $arrFiles, $strVersion=null, $strMedia='screen')
foreach ($arrFiles as $strFile)
$this->add($strFile, $strVersion, $strMedia);
* Check whether files have been added
* @return boolean True if there are files
public function hasEntries()
return !empty($this->arrFiles);
* Generates the files and returns the URLs.
* @param string $strUrl An optional URL to prepend
* @return array The file URLs
public function getFileUrls($strUrl=null)
if ($strUrl === null)
$strUrl = System::getContainer()->get('contao.assets.assets_context')->getStaticUrl();
$return = array();
$strTarget = substr($this->strMode, 1);
$blnDebug = System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.debug');
foreach ($this->arrFiles as $arrFile)
// Compile SCSS/LESS files into temporary files
if ($arrFile['extension'] == self::SCSS || $arrFile['extension'] == self::LESS)
$strPath = 'assets/' . $strTarget . '/' . str_replace('/', '_', $arrFile['name']) . $this->strMode;
if ($blnDebug || !file_exists($this->strRootDir . '/' . $strPath))
$objFile = new File($strPath);
$objFile->write($this->handleScssLess(file_get_contents($this->strRootDir . '/' . $arrFile['name']), $arrFile));
$return[] = $strUrl . $strPath . '|' . $arrFile['version'];
$name = $arrFile['name'];
// Strip the contao.web_dir directory prefix (see #328)
if (strncmp($name, $this->strWebDir . '/', \strlen($this->strWebDir) + 1) === 0)
$name = substr($name, \strlen($this->strWebDir) + 1);
// Add the media query (see #7070)
if ($this->strMode == self::CSS && $arrFile['media'] && $arrFile['media'] != 'all' && !$this->hasMediaTag($arrFile['name']))
$name .= '|' . $arrFile['media'];
$return[] = $strUrl . $name . '|' . $arrFile['version'];
return $return;
* Generate the combined file and return its path
* @param string $strUrl An optional URL to prepend
* @return string The path to the combined file
public function getCombinedFile($strUrl=null)
if (System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.debug'))
return $this->getDebugMarkup($strUrl);
return $this->getCombinedFileUrl($strUrl);
* Generates the debug markup.
* @param string $strUrl An optional URL to prepend
* @return string The debug markup
protected function getDebugMarkup($strUrl)
$return = $this->getFileUrls($strUrl);
foreach ($return as $k=>$v)
$options = StringUtil::resolveFlaggedUrl($v);
$return[$k] = $v;
if ($options->mtime)
$return[$k] .= '?v=' . substr(md5($options->mtime), 0, 8);
if ($options->media)
$return[$k] .= '" media="' . $options->media;
if ($this->strMode == self::JS)
return implode('"></script><script src="', $return);
return implode('"><link rel="stylesheet" href="', $return);
* Generate the combined file and return its path
* @param string $strUrl An optional URL to prepend
* @return string The path to the combined file
protected function getCombinedFileUrl($strUrl=null)
if ($strUrl === null)
$strUrl = System::getContainer()->get('contao.assets.assets_context')->getStaticUrl();
$arrPrefix = array();
$strTarget = substr($this->strMode, 1);
foreach ($this->arrFiles as $arrFile)
$arrPrefix[] = basename($arrFile['name']);
$strKey = StringUtil::substr(implode(',', $arrPrefix), 64, '...') . '-' . substr(md5($this->strKey), 0, 8);
// Load the existing file
if (file_exists($this->strRootDir . '/assets/' . $strTarget . '/' . $strKey . $this->strMode))
return $strUrl . 'assets/' . $strTarget . '/' . $strKey . $this->strMode;
// Create the file
$objFile = new File('assets/' . $strTarget . '/' . $strKey . $this->strMode);
foreach ($this->arrFiles as $arrFile)
$content = file_get_contents($this->strRootDir . '/' . $arrFile['name']);
// Remove UTF-8 BOM
if (strncmp($content, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3) === 0)
$content = substr($content, 3);
// HOOK: modify the file content
if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCombinedFile']) && \is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCombinedFile']))
foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getCombinedFile'] as $callback)
$content = $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($content, $strKey, $this->strMode, $arrFile);
if ($arrFile['extension'] == self::CSS)
$content = $this->handleCss($content, $arrFile);
elseif ($arrFile['extension'] == self::SCSS || $arrFile['extension'] == self::LESS)
$content = $this->handleScssLess($content, $arrFile);
return $strUrl . 'assets/' . $strTarget . '/' . $strKey . $this->strMode;
* Handle CSS files
* @param string $content The file content
* @param array $arrFile The file array
* @return string The modified file content
protected function handleCss($content, $arrFile)
$content = $this->fixPaths($content, $arrFile);
// Add the media type if there is no @media command in the code
if ($arrFile['media'] && $arrFile['media'] != 'all' && strpos($content, '@media') === false)
$content = '@media ' . $arrFile['media'] . "{\n" . $content . "\n}";
return $content;
* Handle SCSS/LESS files
* @param string $content The file content
* @param array $arrFile The file array
* @return string The modified file content
protected function handleScssLess($content, $arrFile)
$blnDebug = System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.debug');
if ($arrFile['extension'] == self::SCSS)
$objCompiler = new Compiler();
$objCompiler->setImportPaths($this->strRootDir . '/' . \dirname($arrFile['name']));
$objCompiler->setOutputStyle(($blnDebug ? OutputStyle::EXPANDED : OutputStyle::COMPRESSED));
if ($blnDebug)
return $this->fixPaths($objCompiler->compileString($content, $this->strRootDir . '/' . $arrFile['name'])->getCss(), $arrFile);
$strPath = \dirname($arrFile['name']);
$arrOptions = array
'strictMath' => true,
'compress' => !$blnDebug,
'import_dirs' => array($this->strRootDir . '/' . $strPath => $strPath)
$objParser = new \Less_Parser();
return $this->fixPaths($objParser->getCss(), $arrFile);
* Fix the paths
* @param string $content The file content
* @param array $arrFile The file array
* @return string The modified file content
protected function fixPaths($content, $arrFile)
$strName = $arrFile['name'];
// Strip the contao.web_dir directory prefix
if (strpos($strName, $this->strWebDir . '/') === 0)
$strName = substr($strName, \strlen($this->strWebDir) + 1);
$strDirname = \dirname($strName);
$strGlue = ($strDirname != '.') ? $strDirname . '/' : '';
return preg_replace_callback(
static function ($matches) use ($strDirname, $strGlue)
$strData = $matches[1];
if ($strData[0] == '"' || $strData[0] == "'")
$strData = substr($strData, 1, -1);
// Skip absolute links and embedded images (see #5082)
if ($strData[0] == '/' || $strData[0] == '#' || strncmp($strData, 'data:', 5) === 0 || strncmp($strData, 'http://', 7) === 0 || strncmp($strData, 'https://', 8) === 0 || strncmp($strData, 'assets/css3pie/', 15) === 0)
return $matches[0];
// Make the paths relative to the root (see #4161)
if (strncmp($strData, '../', 3) !== 0)
$strData = '../../' . $strGlue . $strData;
$dir = $strDirname;
// Remove relative paths
while (strncmp($strData, '../', 3) === 0)
$dir = \dirname($dir);
$strData = substr($strData, 3);
$glue = ($dir != '.') ? $dir . '/' : '';
$strData = '../../' . $glue . $strData;
$strQuote = '';
if ($matches[1][0] == "'" || $matches[1][0] == '"')
$strQuote = $matches[1][0];
if (preg_match('/[(),\s"\']/', $strData))
if ($matches[1][0] == "'")
$strData = str_replace("'", "\\'", $strData);
$strQuote = '"';
$strData = str_replace('"', '\"', $strData);
return 'url(' . $strQuote . $strData . $strQuote . ')';
* Check if the file has a @media tag
* @param string $strFile
* @return boolean True if the file has a @media tag
protected function hasMediaTag($strFile)
$return = false;
$fh = fopen($this->strRootDir . '/' . $strFile, 'r');
while (($line = fgets($fh)) !== false)
if (strpos($line, '@media') !== false)
$return = true;
return $return;
class_alias(Combiner::class, 'Combiner');