* This file is part of Contao.
* (c) Leo Feyer
* @license LGPL-3.0-or-later
namespace Contao;
use Contao\Model\Collection;
* Parent class for content elements.
* @property integer $id
* @property integer $pid
* @property string $ptable
* @property integer $sorting
* @property integer $tstamp
* @property string $type
* @property string $headline
* @property string $text
* @property boolean $addImage
* @property boolean $inline
* @property boolean $overwriteMeta
* @property string $singleSRC
* @property string $alt
* @property string $title
* @property string $size
* @property string $imagemargin
* @property string $imageUrl
* @property boolean $fullsize
* @property string $caption
* @property string $floating
* @property string $html
* @property string $listtype
* @property string $listitems
* @property string $tableitems
* @property string $summary
* @property boolean $thead
* @property boolean $tfoot
* @property boolean $tleft
* @property boolean $sortable
* @property integer $sortIndex
* @property string $sortOrder
* @property string $mooHeadline
* @property string $mooStyle
* @property string $mooClasses
* @property string $highlight
* @property string $code
* @property string $url
* @property boolean $target
* @property boolean $overwriteLink
* @property string $titleText
* @property string $linkTitle
* @property string $embed
* @property string $rel
* @property boolean $useImage
* @property string $multiSRC
* @property string $orderSRC
* @property boolean $useHomeDir
* @property integer $perRow
* @property integer $perPage
* @property integer $numberOfItems
* @property string $sortBy
* @property boolean $metaIgnore
* @property string $galleryTpl
* @property string $customTpl
* @property string $playerSRC
* @property string $youtube
* @property string $vimeo
* @property string $posterSRC
* @property string $playerSize
* @property array $playerOptions
* @property string $playerPreload
* @property integer $playerStart
* @property integer $playerStop
* @property string $playerCaption
* @property string $playerAspect
* @property string $playerColor
* @property array $youtubeOptions
* @property array $vimeoOptions
* @property boolean $splashImage
* @property integer $sliderDelay
* @property integer $sliderSpeed
* @property integer $sliderStartSlide
* @property boolean $sliderContinuous
* @property integer $cteAlias
* @property integer $articleAlias
* @property integer $article
* @property integer $form
* @property integer $module
* @property boolean $protected
* @property string $groups
* @property boolean $guests
* @property string $cssID
* @property boolean $invisible
* @property string $start
* @property string $stop
* @property string $com_order
* @property integer $com_perPage
* @property boolean $com_moderate
* @property boolean $com_bbcode
* @property boolean $com_disableCaptcha
* @property boolean $com_requireLogin
* @property string $com_template
* @property string $classes
* @property string $typePrefix
* @property integer $origId
* @property string $hl
* @author Leo Feyer <https://github.com/leofeyer>
abstract class ContentElement extends Frontend
* Template
* @var string
protected $strTemplate;
* Column
* @var string
protected $strColumn;
* Model
* @var ContentModel
protected $objModel;
* Current record
* @var array
protected $arrData = array();
* Style array
* @var array
protected $arrStyle = array();
* Initialize the object
* @param ContentModel $objElement
* @param string $strColumn
public function __construct($objElement, $strColumn='main')
if ($objElement instanceof Model || $objElement instanceof Collection)
/** @var ContentModel $objModel */
$objModel = $objElement;
if ($objModel instanceof Collection)
$objModel = $objModel->current();
$this->objModel = $objModel;
$this->arrData = $objElement->row();
$this->cssID = StringUtil::deserialize($objElement->cssID, true);
if ($this->customTpl)
$request = System::getContainer()->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest();
// Use the custom template unless it is a back end request
if (!$request || !System::getContainer()->get('contao.routing.scope_matcher')->isBackendRequest($request))
$this->strTemplate = $this->customTpl;
$arrHeadline = StringUtil::deserialize($objElement->headline);
$this->headline = \is_array($arrHeadline) ? $arrHeadline['value'] : $arrHeadline;
$this->hl = \is_array($arrHeadline) ? $arrHeadline['unit'] : 'h1';
$this->strColumn = $strColumn;
* Set an object property
* @param string $strKey
* @param mixed $varValue
public function __set($strKey, $varValue)
$this->arrData[$strKey] = $varValue;
* Return an object property
* @param string $strKey
* @return mixed
public function __get($strKey)
return $this->arrData[$strKey] ?? parent::__get($strKey);
* Check whether a property is set
* @param string $strKey
* @return boolean
public function __isset($strKey)
return isset($this->arrData[$strKey]);
* Return the model
* @return Model
public function getModel()
return $this->objModel;
* Parse the template
* @return string
public function generate()
if ($this->isHidden())
return '';
$this->Template = new FrontendTemplate($this->strTemplate);
// Do not change this order (see #6191)
$this->Template->style = !empty($this->arrStyle) ? implode(' ', $this->arrStyle) : '';
$this->Template->class = trim('ce_' . $this->type . ' ' . ($this->cssID[1] ?? ''));
$this->Template->cssID = !empty($this->cssID[0]) ? ' id="' . $this->cssID[0] . '"' : '';
$this->Template->inColumn = $this->strColumn;
if (!$this->Template->headline)
$this->Template->headline = $this->headline;
if (!$this->Template->hl)
$this->Template->hl = $this->hl;
if (!empty($this->objModel->classes) && \is_array($this->objModel->classes))
$this->Template->class .= ' ' . implode(' ', $this->objModel->classes);
// Tag the content element (see #2137)
if (System::getContainer()->has('fos_http_cache.http.symfony_response_tagger'))
$responseTagger = System::getContainer()->get('fos_http_cache.http.symfony_response_tagger');
$responseTagger->addTags(array('contao.db.tl_content.' . $this->id));
return $this->Template->parse();
protected function isHidden()
// Skip unsaved elements (see #2708)
if (isset($this->tstamp) && !$this->tstamp)
return true;
$isInvisible = $this->invisible || ($this->start && $this->start > time()) || ($this->stop && $this->stop <= time());
// The element is visible, so show it
if (!$isInvisible)
return false;
$tokenChecker = System::getContainer()->get('contao.security.token_checker');
// Preview mode is enabled, so show the element
if ($tokenChecker->hasBackendUser() && $tokenChecker->isPreviewMode())
return false;
$request = System::getContainer()->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest();
// We are in the back end, so show the element
if ($request && System::getContainer()->get('contao.routing.scope_matcher')->isBackendRequest($request))
return false;
return true;
* Compile the content element
abstract protected function compile();
* Find a content element in the TL_CTE array and return the class name
* @param string $strName The content element name
* @return string The class name
public static function findClass($strName)
foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_CTE'] as $v)
foreach ($v as $kk=>$vv)
if ($kk == $strName)
return $vv;
return '';
class_alias(ContentElement::class, 'ContentElement');